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Category: Blogging

A warm and fun holiday season ★

Hello and happy holidays!! How is everyone doing? 

It’s been a little time since my last blog, sorryyyyy (^_^;) I've been busy with school and life of course, but I still like to take the time to update you guys. 

Wouser, what holiday things have you done recently? 

Ah, glad you asked, me! 

(Gosh am i such a loser im talking to myself!?!???) 

Well, to get it started.. 

-not winter or holiday related, but I had to share my vb team won our recent championship!!! So proud of us (#^.^#)

-I went to a winter market with my family, which was very nice! I like spending time with them a lot and haven’t had time to do so recently. 

-my birthday came around!! Another year older, wow! I’m so thankful for my friends and family that I got to celebrate it with! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

-my school hosts a big ‘festival of lights’ each year, which is full of traditions and very beautiful. My class sung ‘Dona nobis pachem’ which is a wonderful song, even with only three words. 

-I attended more than a few tea party’s this winter! Sooo fun 🫖🍰🥪

And finallyyyy……. 

I visited family in NY for Christmas!!

…. ok they live in New Jersey, not New York, but very close to the city! We spent two nights with them, celebrating the holiday and petting their dog, (and seeing my cousin’s cute baby!) before we actually did go and stay in New York for a couple nights! 

I got to go to Muji, one of my favorite stores, where I picked up a new journal. Then I walked to the amazing Kinokuniya Bookstore, ahh it was so... so... so epic!!!!!!!!!

three floors, one for manga, one for books, and one for stationary... it was amazing >.< !

I'm so glad my holiday season has been full of joy, warmth, and connection. I usually don't really like this time of year, but i'm feeling very grateful for the season. tomorrow is my friends hanukkah party! dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay~

Happy holidays and a joyful new year! <3333

Animated Rainbow Nyan Cat

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☾𝐥𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐱𝐱𝐧☾'s profile picture

'dona nobis pachem' ahhh the choir kid in me nearly had a strokeε=ε=ε=(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ ur holidays were so much more exciting than mine, i just sat at home with family and ate all dayyy. i honestly cant wait to visit ny again, its so fun there! so glad u had a nice holiday season :33

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so you've sung it before? its such a nice song ^_^ your holidays sounded very peaceful. thank you for your comment :3

by Biggest_Wouser☆; ; Report

ive never sang it before but i recognize the words since we had to sing a lot of latin and other languages for my senior year! i kinda ended off the year with something mire exciting since me and my sisters went downtown to see the fireworks and have fun- just got home actually so yeaaaa. had the time of my life xppp

by ☾𝐥𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐱𝐱𝐧☾; ; Report

wahhh I'm so glad you had fun ^_^ the fireworks where I live r so loud lmao

by Biggest_Wouser☆; ; Report

cadence ⚢

cadence ⚢'s profile picture

that sounds so nice!!! tea parties and new york city, so lovely! glad you're having a delightful holiday season

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thank you!! and I hope you are as well! ☺

by Biggest_Wouser☆; ; Report


✨SHARKY_BOY✨'s profile picture

wow thats a lot of stuff o.o

I've just been in my house resting/bed rotting (Hehe)

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