Do You Believe In Ghosts?

I'm really interested in hearing other people's beliefs. However my answer is... complicated.

So you see the thing is I've often really struggled with thoughts on the afterlife, existential dread and all that. You know the routine. Also having researched what I can and watching lots of stuff about ghosts through the years I gotta say I just don't think any of it makes sense. I believe pretty much every ghost sighting ever to be made up or a mistake.

Now here's the complicated part, I also believe that I have seen ghosts. I believe I have caught glimpses of them in the form of two people; my brother who died young, and my best friend who died almost a year ago. I get quite a lot of vivid dreams about the them but they are just dreams, I think at least. But every so often I could swear they are around me. It's usually very brief moments but sometimes I'm really certain I see not only movement but fully fledged figures quickly moving out of sight. I'm sure every time it's happened can be explained away somehow but there's just a feeling I get sometimes. A feeling like no other. Sometimes I wonder if they're trying to tell me something. 

It seems so silly. No one reading this thinks it's sillier than I do and yet, I just can't shake this feeling. ~Ian

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Dukess's profile picture

I don't believe in them because I've been in situations in which I expected to see one, and I've never saw any. I don't want to see them neither, but I think that only looking at one I could believe they exist.

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cilica's profile picture

depends, if they exist

but i don't know for sure that they exist

so until i find out, i will believe in them

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zombie☣️'s profile picture

for me i dont believe in ghosts but if there is something supernatural that i believe in it would be jinns (because of my religion i know thats silly)
i believe that they live among us and can change there form into a human being or an animal. if we see or hear something we automatically know its them. i know thats sound crazy to other people but we grew up on this idea .
and im sorry about what happened to your brother and friend

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Thanks :) It was actually a year ago last night that she passed so I've been feeling... peculiar. I don't think your religion sounds silly tho. That's the interesting thing about all faiths, it's how we make sense of everything. It's really cool to hear someone else's perspective on it.

by Ian Hampster; ; Report

I hope she’s resting in a better place than this earth and I’m sure she’s a wonderful person to meet in life <3
And thank you Ian ,I’m actually muslim so we believe that Allah didn’t create us alone he created Jinns and they’re individuals like us and have their own life and religions,some of them are even muslims.

by zombie☣️; ; Report

Well, it depends on each person's belief. For my part, I do believe in the existence of ghosts. Because I have experienced some situations that I have tried to find a rational and logical explanation for (of course, also so I wouldn't die of fright, haha).

The existential doubt about what will happen to us when our time comes is very complicated. Because of that, I believe a little in ghosts, since I am afraid of simply ceasing to exist (if I become a ghost, it wouldn't be so bad).

by Jeannie's; ; Report