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Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

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I've been trying to sort out what job I want for a while now. Right now I'm a waiter at a local restaurant, but I plan on working there part-time. I know I have a lot of time to figure out what job I want, but nowadays it's expected to have a solid plan. 

My high school makes me take those dumb tests on "wHaT jOb FiTs YoUr PeRsOnALiTy" and most of the jobs I've been getting recommended have something to do with teaching, the medical field, or therapy. It also recommended me being a speech therapist which I thought was funny because my speech is jacked up I stutter. However, my father is an associate professor (speech department) so I thought that was a neat similarity.

About 5 years ago I wondered if I should be in the medical field because the pay is great. After some research, I concluded that I wouldn't want a job in the medical field so I kept digging.

Around 2 years ago my love for psychology skyrocketed. I've always adored psychology, but I never straight up realized it. I've been taking notes and writing theories about the human brain and how people are the way they are. I can rant about psychology for hours.

I looked into jobs that have to do with psychology, and I found some I hope to have in the future. Wrapping things up, the future job I want is a Psychologist. Or a Clinical Psychologist, the pay for them is higher but I feel like I might do better if I'm a Psychologist. Either way, this doesn't matter. I still have many years left to choose. But currently, I'm pretty content with my choice.

Thank you for reading!

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