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Category: Blogging

12/25/24 - another good day

hey queens, today was another great day so let me tell you all about it…

I woke up around 9 or 10 i think??? and came downstairs to breakfast being made. I came down to sit with my mom and love on the dogs a bit. Then my mom had me go wake my brother up to do presents. First we gave them their gifts which were a ninja icecream maker and a digit picture frame that you can add photos and videos to from anywhere. Then we open our gifts. Some highlights for me - the cutest and loveliest pink quit that my mom found for me, a PE teacher shirt with my name on it, real mary janes, these little coke glasses that my dad found while antiquing, and a lottery ticket that i won 10 bucks on lol. All in all it was another amazing christmas haul. We had worked up quite the appetite so my dad fixed us bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches on my moms fresh sourdough loaf that she just took out of the oven. Holy Guacamole was it good. then i cleaned up all of the paper and brought my haul up to my room. I opened my window and my dad asked from outside if i wanted a bonfire; how could i say no?? so i hollered down “ummmm yes please!”. I then went outside and we sat at the fire for hours! We were quoting napoleon dynamite, playing with the dogs, and i even got out this air bed thing that i have and blew it up to lounge on. After awhile, I went to get some lunch which consisted of some leftover homemade tomato soup from yesterday and some fresh bread. It was utterly scrumdiddlyumptious. Then my neighbor came over so i could test this drifting scooter he got for his nephew. It was awesome and made me want to be a kid again. I then sat at the fire again for a bit and took some pictures of birds and the dogs on my dads big ass camera. Then we came inside, I read some, scrolled some, and then we had dinner. My dad had been smoking a brisket all day, we had some green beans from our garden that my mom froze over the summer, some sweet corn that my mom had also froze from the summer, and slaw that my dad fixed. boy was it good! Now i am upstairs rotting the night away reminiscing on this basically perfect day. 

I hope you all had a lovely christmas <3

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