merry xmas everyoneeeee, hope you had a good one! i decided to spent mine in a theater watchin sonic lolol. keep in mind, i am nott a sonic fan whatsoever, i watched ze 1st two moviez a couple of dayzz ago and initially didnt plan to see ze 3rd one. also my friend once forced me to play sonic generationz. i sucked.
about ze movie tho. i liked it!!1! buttt i cant say that i loved it. it waz pretty funny and i liked shadow, also cgi waz good. im not familiar with sonic lore, but this part waz literally part 2 but instead of knucklez we had shadow. dead family member? check. wantz revenge? check. team up w eggman? check. got narutotherapy from sonic and became good? check. sonic got wisdom from tom, disobeyed it and then went by it? check. two minute total screentime for both tom and maddie? check. i meeannnnn...
other than that, i still enjoyed ze movie. i got scared 4 a min that tom waz actually about 2 die, which would make me a huge hater, but we r good. also, i dont believe that shadow and eggman r dead, there iz nooo wayyyyy. no bodiez - no death.
now gotta wait for ze 4th part :P
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