Ookay so almost every single night when it starts to get dark outside, i either put on a dark jellyfish video or a night sky star video from youtube. throughout the night i can like see it glitch to just plain white but sometimes it even looks like a hint of green. i can only see it when im turned around or kind of facing it but not looking at it and its only for like a millisecond like it just flashes. I don't know what it is and it's only with those longer videos i put on for the night, not anything else i watch on youtube on my tv or just my tv in general. And i literally had a dream about being hacked not too long ago (its actually one of my worst fears its so scary for no reason) and it was like my tv turned red or something and we had to run away idk it was stupid and silly but like JUST THE FACT THAT I HAD A DREAM ABOUT IT IN GENERAL. It's been happening for like maybe 2 months maybe more idk, definitely not over 4 months I don't think. Hopefully I'm just being paranoid and it's just my tv and the wiring or something, which is kinda weird considering i just got this tv last winter so its pretty new. PLEASEEE I NEED EXPLANATIONS ITS SO WEIRD.

alright what is happening with my TELEVISION im gonna cry
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