THE Horse Dream

Hey queens, this is the most iconic dream i have ever had and I feel like I need to share it with everyone on the internet. Pretty much everyone in my life has heard me tell the story of this dream, so much so that it gets referenced amongst my roommates. So here it goes…

It was Halloweekend of my Junior year of college and my apartment was filled up with friends, strangers, and even my roommates mom. In my apartment, there are 2 bedrooms on either side that share a bathroom, making it so that there are 2 bathrooms on opposite sides of the space with the living room and kitchen in the middle. People were all around talking and getting ready for the night. I had finished my makeup pretty quickly so I was pretty much just walking around enjoying the company of everyone when all of a sudden I get this strange urge to look out our window. (for reference, I live on the 3rd floor and our windows look towards the grassy area behind our complex, but in this dream we were overlooking the front parking lot). When I look out the window, I see an unaccompanied horse. This was no regular horse though, he only walked backwards and had a murderous glint in his eyes. I see him slowly backing up to a car, and then he kicks the window in with his hind leg and starts crashing everyone’s windows. He is just making a mess of everything and no one is seeing it but me. I was too scared to move from my spot and tell someone. 

Then all of a sudden my POV changes to me in the parking lot, looking at the front of the complex. I am far enough away from the horse that I do not feel as though I am in any real danger. He has finished rampaging on the cars and decides to go for an apartment window. He is slowly creeping up backwards to a window, and then uses both his hind legs to kick in the window. This time, he jumps into the apartment through the hole he just made and all i can hear is screaming, neighing, and glass breaking. This is when the dream ends.

So after typing this out, i am realizing how horrifying i am making this out to be and during the dream it was pretty scary but when i woke up i was laughing my ass off cause it was just so utterly ridiculous. I love telling this story and cant get through it without laughing.  

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