SNAKEBITES⁉️⁉️⁉️ (should I get them 🙏)

Okay I really wanna get snakebites but I'm 113 so I'm still in school and it's illegal in my state. But like... Yolo!!! One of my guardians said they can do it but it's like erm illegal so that's a "no". BUT they also said they can't stop me if it's already there and I do it in my room so if I do it myself they won't care. Plus in other states it's legal so if I do it at home I can always lie and say I went out of state for it. BUTTTT into another issue, I live in a very anti town. Like everyone is racist, stupid, and country. I'm already pretty weird so snakebites definitely won't help, not to mention I'm kinda alternative.. Not really!!! I'm more of a poser but if you wear anything that isn't preppy in our school your considered emo. I'm also really wanting to dye my hair blue cuz I love it!!! But it definitely won't help. I'm really leaning on the idgaf side of this and yolo but like stillllll, idk if I should do this (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠). (Im definitely doing it IDC, I'm just worried and I figured even if no one sees this blog it would be a good place to post and kinda vent lolol!!!!) I'm worried about if id look good with them 2!!! My friends and some of my fam (cuz they are really accepting) say I would but I'm still worried :(((. Anywayssssss byeee XD

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xxRebellious_Emmaxx's profile picture

Pretty sure snakebites (a set of lip piercings done on both sides of the lower lip) aren't illegal.

You must be thinking of the snake eyes piercing (a type of tongue piercing done horizontally at the tip of the tongue that is dangerous and carries a very high risk of tooth and gum damage plus muscle issues from the 2 sides being bound together). That one is banned in Oregon as far as I'm aware and most piercers even in other states will (rightfully) refuse to do that piercing on their clients due to the unacceptably high risks involved with this piercing.

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xXskye_slaughterredXx's profile picture

i think u should get them but at a piercing shop. depending on how old you are, with parental consent it should be legal !11!1!!!

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oh wait ur 13??? with parental consent u should be able to.. my bad i kinda missed that part

by xXskye_slaughterredXx; ; Report