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Category: Life

Life update - rant - thing

Spent two sleepless nights in an ER room, next to some homeless guy who shat on the floor for the nurses to clean up 4 different times.

Then I get moved into the hospital proper, only to end up with an entitled POS roommate who had me working on having to spend what would've turned into about 5 days with no sleep.
Because of some health issues, I snore, which was waking him up, so he'd complain to wake me up. So I get up to talk to hospital staff, for 4 HOURS, trying to find a solution that worked for us both... Only to have medical staff go in to speak to him and have him flat out say he was glad that I was awake if it meant he could sleep and turned down any solutions of any kind. So I grabbed earplugs from nursing staff, went back to bed and all of an HOUR later he's up with all the lights on at 3am with audio blaring and nursing staff refusing to do anything thing about him being blatantly entitled and disrespectful of other patients, So I had to demand a room change just to get sleep. Which by the way was After they allowed his wife to visit him After visiting hours had ended for the night, and he told his wife 'he's been in that hospital room so long the people who work here let him do whatever he wants', which I made a point of relaying to staff on my way out of his room.

So they put me in this room with someone's hard of hearing 75yr old great-grandfather since my snoring wouldn't bother him.

Only then to have my wife show up to see me at the hospital at the same time as the old man's daughter and great-granddaughter who were so loud I was made to feel like if I stayed in that room there would be almost no point to letting my wife visit, so that was working on starting my third day in the hospital on maybe 5 hours of sleep total, at that point I was just done and I said screw it.

So now I have to wait until Christmas Eve until my usual doctor's office is even open to make an appointment, after having been in the hospital on an IV antibiotic because Both of my legs are infected.

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