I made a ton of notes of the skeletal system and of some muscles on a google doc for my figure drawing class cause I'm crazy. I have a really cool interest in the human body so Imma share my notes here:
Landmarks on the body when drawing the figure are ones which project onto the surface. Bones that protrude on a thin person, and ones that show as dimples on a heavier person.
The Sternal (Jugular) notch is the indentation at the root of the neck rests between the left and right clavicle and is along the top of the Manubrium.
The end of the Clavicle and Scapula (They connect through the acromioclavicular joint) The Scapula is between the Clavicle and the Humerus bone
The Xiphoid Process (Bottom end of Sternum) It sits right below the Pectoralis major (chest muscle). This muscle attaches to the body of the Sternum, then up on the clavicle, then down towards the upper part of the Humerus bone (top of the arm The Biceptual Grove).
The Distal Humerus forms the upper part of the elbow and is at the capitulum of the Humerus bone connecting to the Radius, second bone in the arm is the Ulna. The Radius and the Ulna bones are connected along their shafts through ligaments inbetween them (Volar radioulnar and Posterior Radioulnar ligaments).
The Clavicle is directly above the Manubruim of the Sternum, and inbetween the two clavicle bones is where the jugular notch rests creating a dip. The chest muscles connect long the Sternum and end just before the Xiphoid Process beneath the base of the sternum. The chest muscles also connect to the Clavicle and the Humerus arm bone, inbetween being the Scapula which is connected to the clavicle through the acromioclavicular joint.
The bottom of the Humerus known as the Distal humerus forms the upper part of the elbow. The joint between the head of the Radius and the capitulum of the Humerus, known as the Humeroradial joint connects the two bones together.
E. Ridge of pelvis
F. Pubis bone
G. Thumb side of wrist (radius)
H. Little finger side of wrist (ulna)
I. Inside of upper part of knee (femur)
J. Inside of lower part of knee (tibia)
K. Kneecap (patella)
L. Head of fibula
M. Outside of ankle (fibula)
N. Inside of ankle (tibia)
O. Shinbone (tibia)
P. Nipples
Q. Navel
R. Hipbone (femur)
S. Seventh cervical vertebra
T. Bottom of scapula
U. Dimples caused by end of iliac spine
V. Back of elbow (ulna head)
W. Head of radius
This isn't done it's just highlighting what I wanted to base my research on (I'm not taking an anatomy class but maybe you'll find this helpful)
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