a prayer to be pure

how can i and how can you expect me to.
how can you expect me to devote myself to a god who believes the love i hold within me is nothing but a parasite gnawing away at my soul
how can you expect me to set aside the realest love i have ever felt for a god who can not even love his own creation
what makes my love less than yours and why do i feel so dirty
why do i feel like there is dirt buried deep beneath my skin
i claw at my vessel of flesh and blood in hopes of being pure again
but how can i be pure in the eyes of god if they are tainted with your own hatred and fear
how can i be pure when the love inside of me is seen as nothing but rot, mold growing around my  mind
love is the closest i will ever be to the divine and if your god can not see me as your equal than i will not claim him and i will not claim you
i will transcend beyond your gods fragile mind and love in a way your shallow heart couldnt begin to understand
and how could i ever start to explain
how could i explain when your god has placed his hands over your eyes and begged you not to listen to the question i whispered in the quiet of your church

what was ever so wrong about two people being in love? 

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White tiger

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Religion is bs.

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by ribbon.kitty; ; Report