So, I came back from that concert a few weeks ago and came down with the flu within a span of 48 hours X.X I swear life has a way of kicking me down whenever I'm actually having a good time. That won't stop me for attending more gigs in the future. I haven't felt so alive since, well, my last concert actually. (If anyone cares, I got to see Mental Cruelty, Butcher Babies and Cradle of Filfth the latter of which is one of my favorite bands! TOT) (not my footage btw)
Now that I'm no longer sick I have to get back to paperwork and clearing my appartment so I can move. This would be a lot easier if my family had not lived there for approximatively 10 years and an obscene amount of junk had accumulated over the years. It's an ADHD nightmare. I'm also hosting the xmas dinner and basically sheltering my mother who can't really afford her own place right now. She's gonna be helping with the moving process. Good on that, considering she left without really telling us and we were left with an appartment full of junk... OH WELL GUESS I'LL JUST SMILE AND BEAR IT A WHILE LONGER.
I just really long for a place to call my own. Sometimes when I'm on the bus, I'll get anxious out of nowhere and tell myself I want to go home. Even when I'm technically home, it doesn't feel like it. Too many bad memories where I am now. About damn time I'm allowed to put myself first.
Anyway, I don't know when I'll update again. If I leave you on read it's nothing personal, my health is literally just garbage.
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