Went over to my grandmother's last weekend, on the 6th or 7th, to help put up christmas lights. Didn't go overboard and I was mostly tasked to keep Lily, her little dog, at bay. Turned put very nice and my grandmother was very happy about it.
Didn't get to volunteer that weeked or this one though. Very frustrating, I really love going out and working in the woods. Makes me feel productive, like I'm doing atleast some good for all the negative impacts living comes with. Just like inherently I mean, the waste produced and effect my sixteen years of life has had.
Not only that but there's some really nice folk who share similiar interests by the said nature of the work being done. Making connections and all, it's great workout aswell!
School has been pretty calm, where I attende there's no finals of any sort. So it's just like wrapping up everything and slapping a bow on the semester. The holiday party and talent show are coming up. Last year I attended to party, but not the talent show. My hearing was still very sensitive, in addition to that I was still adjusting to the school.
I do have some regrets about missing it, however there's no use dwelling on the past. I'm really trying to make the best of my time, being social and trying hard to push myself put of my typical comfort zone.
Bit of an update on the girl I mentioned in a previous blog post too. I'm like accepting that I wouldn't mind if she did like me in a non-platonic manner. Idk I was resistant at first as I'm not someone who considers romantic entanglements important, but the more I get to know her, I find that maybe I would be all that against it.
She's quite pretty, her hair is so gorgeous, she's so well meaning, and she reads like me! Oh and she's also a junior, which may seem weird to mention however my school doesn't seperate classes based on grade. The majority of folks I regularly talk to are seniors. Which kinda sucks, as alot of folk are going to be graduating at the end of this semester.
Aside from that the major things coming up are all holiday related. Christmas festivities are to be held early this year. Instead of dinner on the 24th and brunch on the 25th, It's on the 21st and 22nd. There is a technical reason behind it, though. it's still minorly annoying. But to complicate things, I have a friend's birthday party to attend, on the 21st.
Lowkey so peeved, the way my mother decided to communicate this news in the family groupchat was to specificcaly say 'only friend'. Like yeah it gets across the importance but christ! Do ya gotta throw me under the bus so hard and call me a loser?
It's all gonna work out though and I'm sure the festivities are going to be swell. Really hope I don't look so damn ouuta place and awkaward in the photos this year. Oh and I can't wait for that strawberry french toast at brunch.
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