Anyone here who wants to be Genshin Buddies? :)
I'm AR56 on NA and would really like to have someone to talk and/or play Genshin with!!
Here a few questions,
Who's your main and why? (Mine is since he came in 5.2, Neuvillette! I prefarmed for him and am currently top 9%!! I'm very proud of it considering I'm F2P! Even though Neuvi is considered META, I would've still gotten him even if he was a terrible 4*. I love his lore so insanely much and don't even get me started on his design!!! It's the same reason I like Freminet :) I really wish I had him. So dissapointed he wasn't on the banner! Would main him if I had him haha! I used to be a seasoned Kaeya main until I got Neuvillette which was only a few days ago lolol!)
What do you think about Natlan? (I'm honestly quite underwhelmed and dare I say even a bit dissapinted? TLDR: I don't like the characters and their kits, nor do I like the designs. And more but that'll make this too long haha!)
Who are you saving up for? (I'm currently saving up for supports such as Kazuha, Furina and Xilonen to really boost my account!)
What region has been your favorite/what are you looking forward to in the future of Genshin? (My favorite regions have to be Monstadt and Fontaine!! I just love everything about them so much! I'm looking forward to both Khaenri'ah and Snezhnaya so much! I really hope they'll be better than Natlan!!)
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