Disclaimer: The opinions and statements expressed in these old diary entries reflect my thoughts at the time they were written. They are subject to change and may not represent my current views or beliefs.
Dear Diary,
This day i had some assignment in science after i answered all [,] some questions were aren't in the book so, i asked papa na if i can go to the internet [cafe] to research the questions but papa just said "Sus! amo ra ini te ato kadto-on sa internet [cafe] para hanapon ini? paningkamot diha!" [tl: Gosh! we're going to the internet [cafe] just to search these up? We're not going, find another way!]. so i was so mad that i almost gonna shout [at] him, but i stopped myself cause im gonna honor my mother and father and go upstairsĀ and asked mommy, when i asked her she was so niceĀ and said "ok [redacted], tabangan takaw, mangutana ako kan ante lala" [tl: ok [redacted], i'll help you, i'll ask aunt lala about it]. I was so pleased with mommy, she was so nice to me, but my father this time, not even one. but even [if] my fathers like that i still (oh no) honor him.
,':/ hm.
Sincerely yours,
notes: idk why mom had to contact aunt lala first when helping with my assignment in science. this was when we still had no family computer yet, and had to go to an internet cafe right beside our house to do any internet thing.
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