Disclaimer: The opinions and statements expressed in these old diary entries reflect my thoughts at the time they were written. They are subject to change and may not represent my current views or beliefs.
Dear Diary,
Happy Birthday Jakobb!!!
October 8, 2011 was Jakobb's first birthday, the reception was on [redacted] Hotel, it was fun!!! there were games, prizes, yummy foods, etc. there were a lot of ballons [balloons], they even started a movie, we watched transformers dark of the moon part 3!!! it was awesome! i didn't expect that party to be big!! it was so stupendous! i wish i could attend a party as same as Jakobbs party again!
wow!! <=O
Sincerely yours,
notes: i learned a new word that day, stupendous. lol
yeah i remember really liking that party, i also remember the huge servings of chicken. it was bigger than my face, iirc. also i oddly remember using the bathrooms in the hotel and the faucet was faulty, so when i tried to wash my hands after using the toilet it instead almost sprayed all over my dress.
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