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Category: Pets and Animals

Fish of the Day 43 - I got that basking shark in me

Today's fish of the day is the basking shark! A wonderful species

Basking sharks | Save Our Wild Isles

Basking shark facts:

- This shark is the second biggest fish in the ocean, being able to reach a length of 26ft. The number one spot is claimed by another very similar shark, the whale shark, who'll get it's own entry in the near future.

- Despite their menacing size and odd appearence, these sharks do not pose a huge threat to humans. They are filter feeders, eating things such as shrimp, zooplankton, fish larvae, and copepods. I don’t even think swallowing a human would be possible for them! The only real danger they have is their extremely rough skin, which can act like sandpaper. Obviously these guys won’t attack you and use that to their advantage, but it means that divers should be careful if they have to get near them. 

- Because zooplankton can be considered both a fish and a plant... this means, technically, basking sharks are omnivores!

- Though not much is known about it, the reproductive cycle of the basking shark is pretty unique!  These creatures are believed to be ovoviviparous, meaning they have eggs, but they do not release them and the shark pups develop inside the mother. When a female basking shark gives birth, there are only a few pups, and they're around 5-5.6ft long. That's insane! Their pregnancy lasts around 2-3 years, which makes sense... cause those are some huge babies.

- When the basking shark feeds, they filter around 2,000 tons of water per hour.

- The basking shark is very slow moving, it usually moves around 2.5-4mph. This is why it has the name "basking shark"! However, these sharks have been observed breaching the water, which requires noteable speed. Their power and swim speed when they breach can be compared to the speed of a great white shark!!

- I have no idea why, but apperently cearban is a Scottish Gaelic name for basking sharks. It also, for some odd reason, translates to buttercup as well, which is adorable!! Buttercup shark!

My sweet giant swimming buttercup! I love the basking shark! Do you got that basking shark in you? This lovely creature has certainly earnt a spot on my list of favourite fish.

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Catsqueak's profile picture

What a cute shark! I like these Fish of the Day posts you make, they're really fun! Or, since it's "Fish of the Day" should I say it's "fin"?

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meekeelee's profile picture

oh I got that basking shark in me!!!

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