It's been like 5 days since I've properly slept. 5 days. You know what else can happen in 5 days? an average working week. If I was actually in school right now I'd be depressed as balls man. No cause like the worst thing about having Misophonia is how genuinely overwhelming it truly does get, like obviously it's difficult for friends and family who don't suffer from that sort of hypersensitivity to really understand what it's like but when they just straight up deny it being that bad is what makes my blood BOIL.
Like for example, my grandmother - who lives with us - has chronic back-pain from nerve damage so she's got this massage machine that's like a gun but it vibrates and because she's used it so much and leaned back on it so heavily it rattles now because the whole mechanism is fucked, meaning it rattles through the entire house and given my room is right next to hers it rattles through into MY ROOM. Now It's not even like I can ask her nicely to stop using it every five fucking minutes because she replaces that infuriating sound with another infuriating sound of her moaning excessively in pain, now as bad as that sounds to complain about I know for a fact she's over-exaggerating her moaning because she only does it whenever someone is around to hear.
Keep in mind SHE KNOWS how it makes me feel and how I end up crying from overstimulation but she still keeps on doing it like mfer put the fries in the bag bro I am not built for this type of shit.
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