I wouldn't say I'm mature, heck I'd even say I'm under-mature for a lot of reasons. But then, I see other ~20-22 year olds on the internet and just don't understand why they act/talk like that, and can't seem to connect with them the same as my older friends.
Is it because I stopped Internetting very much after a certain point? Maybe I am out of touch, and the new slang/etc pisses me off because I don't understand it? I don't think so, but I don't have any other theories and I'd really like to know why. I was raised by old people (they're in their 70s right now) so that might account for some generational distance, but it's not really a satisfactory explanation overall. If I can get in contact with more of my old friends from high school it would be interesting to see where we're all at in our lives and maturity levels...
Anyway, there's my blog post. Feel free to leave your own meandering thoughts in the comments, 20-somethings :p. Do you concur, or are your experiences different?
(Disclaimer: not vaguing about anyone! Just in case that was a concern.)
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I'm the same way as an 18 year old. I refuse to even try to learn or understand what these stupid new gibberish words and phrases even mean because I'm too cool for stupid modern slang and find it downright stupid. Instead, I use cool slang terms from the 2000s and try not to know anything about what my peers seem to currently be into (in regards to trends) as a young woman who likes doing her own thing and going her own way in life, rawr.
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francis, fran
there is definitely an immaturity to a lot of modern conversation, but i've chanced upon quite a few people who are so incredibly witty about modern day immaturity... like, they get kind of meta such that they're analyzing their own failing sense of irony and satire as a 21st century internet-raised child WHILE making brainless jokes.
i don't really know what you're looking for when you describe maturity. maybe you just want fulfilling conversation. don't equate that to maturity because then you really won't find it.
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What really is “maturity?”. I’ve been put under the mature level since I was a child, and I feel far from being mature. To a degree I’ve seen maturity as almost a burden of some sort…
Matter of fact some people that mature too quickly come off as rather boring - people that act like their parents, that is. I’ve worked and become friends with some *very* mature folks and all they talk about is their finances, job prospects and… crypto?
It’s all a matter of perspective. Some people have no choice but to be mature, while others have the privilege of being immature.
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I feel that, but that’s partially due to me not caring what others were into when I was finding meself. I cared about what I was into (80s and 90s stuff) and didn’t care to learn the popular trends etc.
also I’m just an old soul in general. I’ve been told that since I was 6.
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For me, it was (and still is) stuff from the 90s and 2000s. And yes, I too am an old soul in case you were wondering.
by xxRebellious_Emmaxx; ; Report
I have some issues as i was offline for 5 years but my other friends keep me somewhat in the loop and i def do talk pretty different from my peers but like im also autistic so that probably is the biggest factor in how i socalize
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yeah autism def makes a huge difference, both in how u interact n how others treat u. btw!! i read an article saying that autistic people tend to have a period of rapid overall brain (and specifically amygdala) growth at <3 years of age; the article connected it to social difficulties later on. not sure if this is super relevant to anything but it is interesting!
by Judah; ; Report
Ohhh sounds interesting
Yeah I got diagnosed late at 21 so I'm still learning about autistic me!
by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report
I'm on the spectrum as well and have generally always done my own thing and had my own passions and interests (though sometimes kids on the schoolyard would look at me as if I suddenly grew 2 heads whenever I'd try and share my interests with them growing up and sometimes wouldn't even know what the hell I was talking about if I tried talking to them about more "mature" topics or even simple things like older television shows that I would always watch reruns of on TV or on YouTube).
I also seem to be immune to peer pressure as a result unlike neurotypicals (particularly during their adolescent and young adult years from my observations), as an added benefit to my brain being hardwired slightly differently from theirs. >:)
by xxRebellious_Emmaxx; ; Report