1- Huevos: saben mucho a huevo y me da asko de ke wakala bro. Aparte la textura es media askerosa
(Eggs: They taste a lot like eggs and that disgusts me. Plus the texture is kind of yucky)
2- Calor: Lo odioooooooo porke odio ke me haga sudar, es muy EWWWW.
(Hot weather: I hate it because it makes me sweat, and I hate sweating)
3- Sudor: hace ke huelas mal a la bestia. Y luego a parte hace ke se te vea la cara bien brillosa, como si la tuvieras grasosa
(Sweat: I hate it because it makes you smell bad. It also makes your face look very shiny as if you had greasy face)
4- Britany (compañera): me cagaaaaa, es bien molesta a la bestia. NO ME IMPORTA KE EL PROFFE VAYA A LLEVAR ESPAGUETI, NO KIERO IR A LA POSADA BRITANYYYY
(Britany/classmate: She's too annoying, I hate her. I DON'T CARE IF THE TEACHER IS BRINGING SPAGHETTI, I DON'T WANT TO GO SCHOOL, BRITANY)
5- Hombre Bart Simpson: es un señor con camisa de Bart al ke le falla al cerebro y me quiso secuestrar ofreciendome ir por pollo KFC con él y diciendome ke tengo depresion. Mínimo me hubiera ofrecido un viaje a Paris ush
(Bart simpson man: He's a guy with a Bart shirt who has no brain and wanted to kidnap me by offering me to go for KFC with him and telling me that I'm depressed. At least he should have offered me a trip to Paris, ugh)
6- Pescado: sabe a cagada. Respeto a las personas a las ke le guste esa cosa, pero sabe horrible. Y LA TEXTURA EW
(Fish: It tastes like crap. I respect people who like that thing, but it tastes awful. AND THE TEXTURE IS ALSO GROSS)
7- Escuela: tengo ke hacer un mugroso viaje de 2 horas para llegar, estar en ese lugar 8 horas y luego batallar en salida para volver a mi casa
(School: I have to make a 2 hour trip to get there, stay there for 8 hours and then struggle to get back home)
8- ESE caamión: MALDITO CAMION CAGADO, siempre se tarda más de dos horas en pasar diuegfufbjad
(THAT bus: That fricking bus always takes more than two hours to arrive ughhhhhh)
9- Gente juzgona: o sea, ke vrg te importa si kiero usar cola y orejas a la fregada, métete en tus propios asuntos. O CUANDO JUZGAN POR TUS GUSTOS ugdyadiekf. Ke te valga cola si me gusta ver gacha life
(Judgy people: like, what do you care if I want to wear tails and ears, mind your own business. Also when you are judged by your tastes ughh. Just don't mind if I like watching gacha life videos)
10- Ese tipo de ignorantes: las personas mensas ke dicen ke furro, therian y kemonomimi son lo mismo y ke todos se creen animales y son filicos. O sea bro, no puedes estar tan idiota como para creer eso
(That kind of ignorants: The people who say that furro, therian and kemonomimi are the same and that they all think they're animals and they're all philic. I mean, dude you can't be so stupid as to believe that)
11- Malas reacciones gacha: me ultra archirequete recontra caga ke hagan las expresiones de los personajes súper planas. O sea, puede ke un personaje sea súper estoico, pero por lo menos ponlo UN POCO sorprendido cuando pasen cosas impactantes. También cuando intentan hacerse los chistosos y termina siendo incómodo
(Bad gacha reactions: It's a really annoying thing when people make the expressions of the characters super flat. I mean, a character can be super stoic, but at least make him a little bit surprised when shocking things happen. Also when they try to be funny and it ends up just being awkward)
12- Cucarachas: a parte de ultra mega askerosas, son más inúteles ke algo inútil. Acaso solo existen para causar asko o ke
(Roaches: Besides being extremely gross, they're more useless than something useless. Do they only exist to disgust or what)
13- Aburrimiento: Odio estar aburrido y no saber ke hacer porke es molesto y ya
(Boredom: I hate being bored and not knowing what to do because it's upsetting and that's all)
14- Nostalgia: solo está para arruinarte la vida, la verdad
(Nostalgia: it's only there to ruin your life)
15- "Bellakos": de ke bro, súbete los pantalones, nadie te kiere ver la raja
("Bellakos": Like, put your pants up, nobody wants to see your ass)
17- Cafeteria de la escuela: dan todo bien caro, ke robo
(School cafeteria: Everything's so expensive, what a theft)
18- Britany de nuevo: no ke espagueti Britany? ahora porke dices ke van a llevar pizza ughhh, ni kien te entienda
(Britany again: You said spaghetti Britany, now why are you saying that they're going to give pizza ughhh, no one understands you)
19- Esa "psicóloga": le estuve dice y dice ke no lo hacía por eso y la muy VIEJA seguía chingue y chingue no le estaba diciendo algo cuando realmente ya le había dicho todo a la bestia
(That "psychologist": I said over and over that i didn't do it for that reason, and the BICH kept saying that there was something i wasn't telling her when i telled her the whole truth)
20- Lugares con mucha gente: lo super ultra mega archirekete recontra odio. Además de ke es un nivel de incomodidad extrermo
(Very crowded places: I REALLY hate it. Besides, it's an extreme level of discomfort.)
Hasta aquí porke ya me emperré al recordar lo ke odio
(This is as far as it goes because i got mad at remembering the things I hate)

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