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i literally feel AWFUL i was chatting to my ma abt how i probaly need to eat more n thats why i feel SICK CONSTANTLY but like my head is killing me my throat is killing me i want Braces so BAD because my teeth r literally so uncomfortable in my muoth and my eyeess are like drryyyy and my hair is falling off i feel likeSHIT!! im gonna take ibuproferen!!!!

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Nyx's profile picture

That sounds really not fun, I’m sorry you’re feeling like that, maybe you could make some tea and have some ice cream or yoghurt? Ibuprofen can help a bit and hopefully you should feel a little better after a good nights sleep as well!

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thanks imight try making some tea idrk im not a big fan of tea!!! but i did take the ibuprofen it helped like a tiny little bit i still felel like shit tho !! id take a nap but i legit JUST woke up so that feels pointess 3

by flopper; ; Report