I just want to rant about the Mel situation even though I know it’s been awhile since it a been talked about…
Idk it just confuses me tbh. Both sides seem fishy to me with the research I’ve done and the evidence I’ve found. Ofc I don’t want to deny a v1ct1m or anything but I feel like Tim has acted kind of strangely in this situation.
Me personally what I THINK MIGHT have happened was as Mel and Tim were playing that Valentine’s Day game or whatever, Tim initially wanted to play and stuff but got scared (idk what other word to use) somewhere in the middle of it and didn’t want to say anything or felt as if she couldn’t (kinda based off of Mel’s post where she said “Timothy never said no to the things we AGREED on”), and so she now sees it as $A. Now, this could totally be completely wrong but it’s one of the things that make the most sense to me. I just wanted to rant about this since it really makes me sad that Mel could potentially be a r.@.p.1.$.t.
Another thing that confuses me is what hasn’t Mel said anything about the situation?? I know she said stuff back in 2017 but why not now? I understand her PR team or whoever could’ve told her to stay quiet, but still…
Oh well, I guess maybe we will never know… man idk what ti think abt thissss. It is also 3 am so I could be going a bit cray cray and not realize, so idk.
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