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Category: Romance and Relationships

i don't want a darry ring.

all over my tiktok feed i've been seeing girls talking about how their bf's got them a darry ring or how they want one. if u don't spend all ur time doomscrolling and don't know what a darry ring is, it's basically a ring that someone buys for their partner but the catch is that the ring can only be purchased one time in ur lifetime via ID verification because its supposed to symbolize the couples "once-in-a-lifetime" love. 

i have many reasons as to why i don't want a darry ring. first of all, i don't believe in a "one true love" or a "one true soulmate" kinda thing. i believe that at many points in ones life, they will love many people in different or the same ways. i also believe that (at least for some folks) u can love multiple people at the same time. i don't believe in the whole "soulmate" thing cause *most* people who say that someone is their "soulmate" at some point, probably won't feel the same way about that person at another point. a soulmate is described as "a person ideally suited for someone in a platonic or romantic way" but i feel like more than one person during ur life can be suited for u romantically. the person u first fall in love with may not be ur forever person, and that's okay but for some people, the first person they fall in love with will be their forever person, and that's okay. 

second reason i don't want a darry ring is because i feel like it would place a lot of pressure on myself or the person i give the ring to. i mean, when i think about it, it's like, someone spent their one and only chance to ever give a partner this ring on me so now it's like i have to be the most perfect partner ever so they don't ever regret their decision. i know it's probably just me overthinking it but i honestly wouldn't want that pressure put on me or a partner of mine who received the ring. 

thirdly, it is just way too high on the commitment scale for me. like don't get me wrong, i want to get married someday and stay married but i feel like a regular engagement/wedding ring is somehow *to me* less of a commitment than a darry ring. having an engagement ring, as sad as it is to say, doesn't mean the marriage is gonna happen. the wedding may get called off for whatever reason but at least i can just give the ring back and after some healing me and the person can go our separate ways. similar thing with a wedding ring; divorce can, again sadly, occur but at least i can still give the ring back and me and the person can go our separate ways. in both situations, i can give back the ring and my partner would still have the option to give a ring to another person if they choose to do so but with a darry ring, that option is eliminated should anything happen between me and them and i don't think that would be fair to them if the gave me a darry ring or vice versa. 

fourth reason is the immense guilt. this ties into the previous reason but i would feel so guilty if i, for whatever reason ended the relationship, "wasted" the person who gave me the rings' only chance to ever give someone the ring. i would honestly never forgive myself for doing that to someone but at the same time, i'm not going to stay in a relationship where i'm unhappy or miserable just because someone chose to give me important jewelry that i didn't even ask for in the first place...honestly when i say it like that, i probably wouldn't feel bad for that long. 

fifth reason is that i *personally* feel like it's lowkey like a trap. this ties into my second reason but i feel like a darry ring, in a way, could lowkey be like a trap. i know it's sad to admit and i know this doesn't apply to everyone but people in this generation are sneaky and crazy asl and would find any way to keep someone in a relationship. people get trapped in relationship with stuff like financial controlling, gaslighting, hell, even babies! i get this ring isn't as extreme as any of that stuff but i feel like it could be a lighter version of a trap. like i said in my second reason, the person could feel pressured into staying in the relationship, even if they're unhappy, because they were their partners one and only person they could give this ring to.  

last reason is that..in all truth..i'm too much of a hoe for a darry ring :P. at this point in my life, i don't want to be tied down in a relationship especially with such a heavy commitment. i also wouldn't give someone a darry ring cause i don't want to only ever be able to give a one time thing to someone. i'm wouldn't cheat on anyone, definitely not, but i also don't want to be tied to someone like in a lowkey soul-tie kind of way. 

anyways, that was just me ranting about why i don't want/fw darry rings. feel free to share ur opinion or if u agree, disagree, or whatev. 

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