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Category: Life

Life feels stupid sometimes

So, I have a couple mental things, and the one that I'm talking about right now is bipolar. I don't know if its the weather, but I feel my brain dipping downward in emotion. I've been feeling very lost, and also thinking about death a lot. Not in the immediate way don't worry I mean like the idea of death and the fact that I'm getting older. But, I try and think about how everyone goes through these feelings sometimes, and I'll be okay :). Besides, Id rather be a little depressed than manic lolz. Also Ive decided I really like spacehey :3 Twink death here I come!

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π»π’œπΌπΏπΈπ’΄ 𝒒𝐿π’ͺπ’ͺ𝑀𝐼𝐸

π»π’œπΌπΏπΈπ’΄ 𝒒𝐿π’ͺπ’ͺ𝑀𝐼𝐸's profile picture

I'm so sorry you're struggling right now :(( I have bipolar II and you're not alone!

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Thank you :) We got this lolz :3

by XxashxX; ; Report


Nyx's profile picture

I have experience with bipolar, I struggle with it myself haha. I get how you feel. It always sucks so badly. I can’t say I go through it in a good way I struggle to see the good so I just kinda sit around and wait it out. I admire how you can still look on the bright side despite feeling down and I’m really proud of you for not letting it get the best of you :3 It sucks when your brain just decides to give the ol’ mental issues a little visit lol. I really like your positive outlook! And I know things can get tough sometimes, but look how much you’ve made it through! That’s really cool, you’re pretty strong :3

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Thank you :) I know i'll get thru it, its just hard sometimes. Thanks for commenting it made me smile:3

by XxashxX; ; Report