Predictions/Hopes for RWBY volume 10?


This a question to the RWBY fans on here, cause I'm genuinely curious for y'all's opinions

What do you guys predict/hope will happen for the 10th volume of RWBY when/if it gets released?

Do y'all think it'll be the last volume or do y'all think it'll have more volumes after that?

Here's what I hope/predict will happen in v10:

  1. Ruby crash out (Like "CRASH OUT" crash out.  Be it she actually snaps and either A. Curses someone out or B. She physically harms somebody. Her little moment in v9 was just something small.)
  2. Ruby and Blake talk more and make up

  3. SOME mention of summer rose

  4. Blake and Ren interaction (Even if its just a little, PLEASE let my babies interact PLEASE-)
  6. Blake being a book nerd
  7. More Sibling interactions
  9. Raven and Qrow talk things out and love each other again
  10. Ruby and Yang being smart on their own but being stupid and engaging in tomfoolery together
  11. REFRAIN FROM MAKING WHITEKNIGHT CANON (I don't hate it, I just don't see it TBH)
  12. Ruby talking to someone from team JNPR who ISN'T jaune
  13. OSCAR

  • Bumbleby sesbian lex scene /J

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