So, the judges that went to my board (we only have to do one group then we can go back to class, but we leave the board for the rest of the day.) said I did well even though I think I didn't because I kept say "Um" and pausing as well as saying sorry a lot for doing so. I hope I did well enough. I only got to read one of the paragraphs I wrote then the rest was answering questions about the pictures on my board and questions relevant to my topic. (Global warming)
They said I did great but idk if they were just saying that to make me feel better because I think it was obvious that I was so anxious or because they actually think it was great.
I will update this blog post when I get my score! <33
I got the lowest score you can get.
i started crying right after i got out of the gym
I hate being bitter but my friend that said she did not try got a better rating than me.
It pisses me off that I am jealous, I am happy for her but gosh does it hurt.
I cannot stop crying with is making me more pissed.
So annoying.
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