why I don’t believe in religion…

(REMEMBER!!! This is my own belief / opinion, you don’t have to agree, but remember to be respectful!!)

Tw: mentions of violence, incest, slavery, etc.

I don’t believe in religion. I have many reasons, but let’s start with the questions I have about religion (specifically Christianity), as these have made me start to doubt religion in the first place.

My questions are:

If the way to get into heaven is by believing in God, why would he make me someone who doesn’t follow his beliefs?

If God is truly out there, and was willing to show himself to prove his existence to everyone back in the past, why can’t he show me his existence now?

How come in the Bible, it preaches about love and equality to others, but it endorses things such as slavery, incest, and hatred?

Why would God make me suffer if he loved me? Why would he force trauma on me? Why would he make it so my mental health was awful?

How come there’s no proof of God’s existence if everyone preaches about him being real?

How come everything in the Bible makes zero sense in real life? (Resurrection, walking on water, etc.)

Why do I have to follow all of God’s beliefs? Why does he have some kind of dictatorship on me?

There’s probably more questions I have, but I would be here all day if I typed all those out.

I refuse to believe in something that has zero proof of its existence. I refuse to follow a set of morals and beliefs I don’t believe in. I refuse to believe that there is some higher being out there predetermining my purpose and meaning in life. 

I don’t believe in there being an exact meaning in life. In fact, I think it’s foolish and absurd to believe there’s something out there that has already decided what the meaning of life is. I believe that the only people who can choose the meaning in life are each and every single individual out there, as in, I believe people have the free will to choose what they believe in the meaning of life. The world is full of things that can’t be solved, in which case I believe that people can make their own beliefs.

I think we all should reject the idea of the belief in religion as a whole. Religion only causes arguments, hatred, wars, and suffering. It’s been proven multiple times throughout history that religion only causes division among ourselves. Oh, you don’t believe in what I believe? How about I force hate on you instead? See how absurd that sounds? And yet, people act like this — even today. Religion only plays a dictatorship on people and forces them to believe in rules and morals, not allowing people to develop their own thoughts on subjects such as morality. Religion is a corrupted system that stems from hatred upon others.

Not only this, things such as the Bible are incredibly outdated! The Bible was written back when knowledge on the world remained unknown, and yet people believe in outdated stances on opinions. That’s insane! It’s like believing that the Sun rotates around the Earth because that what people used to believe in the past! If you believe in things that don’t make sense nowadays, rejecting actual evidence in science and knowledge, you are only making a fool out of yourself. 

I have a lot more to say about this topic, but it’s more just like nitpicks than things that I think need to be spoken about more. Remember, don’t get mad at me for my own belief. THIS IS MY OPINION!!!!!! Believe what you want to believe, I don’t care, just please respect me. Thank you for taking your time to read this.
Animated Rainbow Nyan Cat

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khanyisile's profile picture

Hey I really like your questions. if you like we can have a conversation about it and I would try to explain somethings your curious about but in a friendly way also if you like to(I am Christian by the way)

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yeah sure, id be happy if u could answer any of my questions!

by ヾ(´〇`)ノ♪♪♪; ; Report

Am glad your interested I am going to message you in a minute

by khanyisile; ; Report


ben's profile picture

You make a list of questions that have been answered over and over for centuries. It’s funny some of you are so conceited you think that your questions are enough to refute thousands of years of theology. The answers to these questions are out there and if you truly wished to get an answer you would’ve. I would answer myself but it’s too many and I’m sure you won’t accept the answers anyways. These are very basic and normie questions. There are much more complex topics you could touch on.

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i personally dont want to get into an argument about this, but you say the answers for my questions are out there, but you dont bother telling me the answers or where to find them... how am i meant to find these "answers" if i dont even know where to look??

by ヾ(´〇`)ノ♪♪♪; ; Report

but like, shouldn't it be common sense...? why a mystical being that is supposed to save people just... almost never does it...? god can do literally everything, it can save the world, stop climate change, make cancer able to be healed, but it just doesn't do it? (yeah I'm referring to God as 'it')
if I were god, I would solve everyone's problems because if I'm supposed to help everyone as a mystical being of love itself, that's what I should do, send love to everyone and make everyone feel good. and ik you might think "isn't the purpose of humans to feel different things? if people were only happy and only good things happened it would be bad" ok but I don't want fucking children to commit or to be assaulted or to die out of starvation?????
it's everything "god has a plan", "you can't live in a world full of rainbows" WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH???? of course it's okay if some bad things happen but as long as they're part of the natural course of life it's okay, or just minor inconveniences like "my partner left me" or anything like that, but most people suffer unnecessarily just because of others, and that's what I don't want.

TL;DR i don't think if god is a being of love and whatever the shit, it would just let people fend for themselves in a cruel world full of hatred, disrespect and misery 👍

btw don't come here saying "no but 👆 t-theologists...!" i want to hear YOU say what do you think even if your opinion is just regurgitated from random articles you read on netinter (internet)

(Since you can't edit comments, I had to erase the comment since I used certain words I wanted to put a trigger warning to them but couldn't for some reason, sorry for spamming your notifications).

by 🇻🇪 FREE VENEZUELA 🇻🇪🕊️🫓; ; Report

See where you go wrong is assuming you think you even have any idea of how things work at all. Who said it's God's job to "fix everything" (which he has before and is also in the process of doing so but that's a different topic with a long explanation itself) and humans' purpose is to feel things? If I had your perception of things I'd also think God is BS. Originally God created the world perfect. These things you complain of such as death, disease, natural disaster, violence, etc. are a result of a fallen world due to our disobedience to God. God is saddened by the pain and suffering you described. Just because he temporarily allows it to happen does not mean that it is in accordance to his will and what he wants for the world. God wants people to turn to him and be saved that way they can spend eternity with him and be in the new Earth he has promised which will be the return of the original Earth before the fall (Garden of Eden). Of course if people choose not to follow God than they can choose to spend eternity away from him (Hell).

"If God good why bad thing happen" durrr is like the most negative IQ argument against the existence of a God.

I think a good book for you to read would be the book of Job.

by ben; ; Report

See where you go wrong is assuming you think you even have any idea of how things work at all. Who said it's God's job to "fix everything" (which he has before and is also in the process of doing so but that's a different topic with a long explanation itself) and humans' purpose is to feel things? If I had your perception of things I'd also think God is BS. Originally God created the world perfect. These things you complain of such as death, disease, natural disaster, violence, etc. are a result of a fallen world due to our disobedience to God. God is saddened by the pain and suffering you described. Just because he temporarily allows it to happen does not mean that it is in accordance to his will and what he wants for the world. God wants people to turn to him and be saved that way they can spend eternity with him and be in the new Earth he has promised which will be the return of the original Earth before the fall (Garden of Eden). Of course if people choose not to follow God than they can choose to spend eternity away from him (Hell).

"If God good why bad thing happen" durrr is like the most negative IQ argument against the existence of a God.

I think a good book for you to read would be the book of Job.

by ben; ; Report


alo.online's profile picture

i agree with what you've written (btw this is very nice you have writing talent) i will say as someone with strict religious parents, religion is extremely confusing but i have experienced very strange things in my church that can only be explained by god, I've never been interested in religion myself but there are certain things that cant be physically possible without an omniscient being. (I'm not trying to argue! this is purely out of interest lol)

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I get what u mean!!! I know a lot of ppl who experience things that can sometimes be explained by a omniscient deity so I understand :3

by ヾ(´〇`)ノ♪♪♪; ; Report

Ya!! the world is a very strange place, theres always unexplained things happening. Who knows honestly

by alo.online; ; Report