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Category: Games

Grey Knights - Warpbane Task Force

The new detachment for Grey Knights came out earlier today, and I am pleasantly surprised. Some thoughts:

  • I'm glad that we can play with something different now, because the original "auto-advance six" was not nearly as useful as the army rule.
  • Re-roll hit rolls of 1 army-wide is great, especially because we hit on 2's or 3's anyway.
  • Hallowed Ground is neat, I like it. I always bring Crowe and a Purifier brick, so this is a nice fluffy buff to them.
  • Two 1CP stratagems for D3 mortals is interesting. The Purifiers one could be good for finishing off a unit. I don't think I'll be using the movement one too much, but it could be good to force the enemy to rethink.
  • Hallowed Beacon: 1CP to deep strike 6" within Hallowed Ground. I really like the idea of Purifiers acting as an anchor to teleport in their brothers (which is how Grey Knights teleportation is supposed to be anyway), but I'm sad it doesn't work on Terminators. This is still great for bringing units into melee, and it's nice to have a buff to our teleporting capabilities. I was excited at the beginning of 10th to see that we got great Deep Strike rules, but then they gave everyone Deep Strike...
  • We lost a lot of defensive stratagems, but it seems that Marines as a whole are going that way. We're pretty tanky already, so I don't think it'll be too bad. It was nice to have the option for something like Mists of Deimos or Truesilver Armour.
  • Enhancements are OK. Radiant Champion could be really scary on Crowe (he already has Precision, but Dev. Wounds + mortals in addition when you can fish for sixes could be a good "delete this" button). Paragon of Sanctity could be interesting - bring in Draigo and Termies for a charge and give them Hallowed Ground to fish for lethals. The stealth one is fine, and of course we get an OC/battle-shock meme one.
I'm not sure how strong this will be compared to the index detachment. While that rule is worse, the stratagems offer a bit more variety. I think we're fine defensively, and this does give us a boost to our offense, but it doesn't change the fact that most of our weapons cap at Strength 6 or 8. Something like a Chaplain leading a group of Terminators could fix this with a +1 to wound in addition to re-rolling hits, but I'm not sure it'll be enough.

The pipe dream was to bring back some of our hammers or bring back psychic, but that ship has sailed unless they rework our core army rule. I'm still pretty happy with this, though.

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I just double-checked the text on Radiant Champion, and it is one mortal wound per attack, not one mortal wound per damage. I'm not sure why I thought it was the latter. I think that the enhancement would work best on a character like a Brotherhood Champion leading a second squad of Purifiers to make them a melee threat, or on a Brother-Captain or Grand Master to boost an already strong Terminator profile. Something like a Grand Master in Dreadknight could also be very funny with the sweeping greatsword to delete a large chaff unit.

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