my last exam is due this wednesday (dec. 11), and the fall 2024 semester officially ends next monday (dec. 16). i started the semester off with so much hope for what college would bring, but i lowkey floundered. i'm ending with 2 b's and 3 c's, which feels disappointing but not surprising.
i got tripped up on the second half of the semester. i remember it was the last weekend in october that i skipped my politics hw, thinking i'd do it monday, but i didn't. then the next week i did the same thing, and the next week. then in november i got sick for most of the month so i could barely handle doing almost any school work. it's only now in these last 2 weeks of the semester that i've been able to try and catch-up.
i guess in the spring, i'll definitely try and keep up with my planner set-up. i used an online planner this semester, and while i like being able to edit it really cleanly i feel like i wasn't motivated enough to keep up with what i planned out each day. second, i for sure wanna start following study routines and stuff like that; i've tried pomodoro before and it's worked really well. last, i think going on daily walks'll probably help ground me or whatever.
anyways, hope you enjoyed reading my silly little thoughts. don't worry about me, i'll be just fine.
xoxo, xlx
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