12-9-24//Random Blog Entry

Currently at my work and I am really bored. Decided to log onto Spacehey for a bit since I haven't been on here for so long. 

Anyways, I don't know if you all have noticed but I updated my profile and fixed some of the bugs that were occurring (especially with my pointer so now its a clownfish 24/7). I also added music to my profile, even though it's very delayed and sounds like elevator music. I'll prolly add some sort of "music of the day corner" or a "music mood board", idk we shall have to see.

Otherwise from the occasionally boredom, tiredness, and lackluster days and events from my life, everything has been good so far. I still need to fix a lot of things on my profile as well as hurry up and fix my own life.

Since I still have a shift to complete and finish, I'll just leave some music of the day/how I feel music for this blog entry.

Today's chosen song is....

   ~   American Hi-Fi - The Geeks Get the Girls (Music Video)   ~  

~This song has been stuck in my head all day. I used to listen to this band every single day of late middle school and early high school. I cannot believe that part of my life was almost 5-6 years ago. Enjoy your youth while you can haha!

-Peace OUT!

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kennedy's profile picture

american hi-fi my beloved!! soundtrack to middle school hahaa

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