I'm writing this right after finishing the game and I'm not exactly a writer/reviewer, so my thoughts might be confusing and all over the place.
I will spoil the game's ending and some plot elements, so if you ever plan on playing Life is Strange stop reading.
Where do I even begin? I had always seen people playing the first episode's beginning on YouTube, and I would play the demo a few times back in 2015-2017 whenever I was bored. But man, looking back at it almost a decade later, I can say I missed out on quite a lot of stuff.
The game was phenomenal, I was expecting the usual "girl has powers, discovers mystery, plot twist, shenanigans ensue." While Life is Strange had that structure, it knocked the ball out of the park with the execution.
I was expecting Nathan to be the big villain, and wasn't that surprised to see the Dark Room, but the Mr. Jefferson reveal in Episode 4 was shocking. The choice at the end broke me, and I spent a good 10 minutes contemplating what to do and, in the end, chose to sacrifice Chloe to save Arcadia Bay. I know it's what she would have wanted Max to do.
I found some of the dialogue and writing a little cringy, but I understand that the game came out in 2015. Things were different back then in terms of humor, but it was overall very solid.
Chloe and Max's friendship felt realistic and I could see myself having the same interactions with friends in real life.
Given my great experience with this one, I can say for sure that I'll be playing the other games in the series!
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