archie's profile picture

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Category: Life

about me !!

Here in my van, I can hate everyone, wait for no girls to call me in the middle of the night. Here in my van, I can lose my small mind.

 randal at his puter in the dark... luther menacingly in the background

the basics..

  • i am archie, ur friendly neighborhood retarded freak!! 
  • i use he/him and my birthday is december 30th!! my age will always be on my profile :p 
  • my IMs do not work on my computer, if u wanna chat it up add my discord (letrangerzz)
  • i'm kind of mentally deranged and fucked up, if u ever befriend me on a deeper level you'll definitely come to see that.. paranoia and anxiety can be pretty debilitating for me, if i ever seem unsure or standoffish please understand, i'm probably just scared out of my mind.
  • look at this playlist i made.. it's one of those "me core" playlists!!
  • personality tests

    Take the fun personality test @  Click here! says I'm a Kinda Dorky Non-Nerd.  Click here to take the Nerd Test, get geeky images and jokes, and talk to others on the nerd forum!

    What Popular Video Game Genre Are You?

    I am 66% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

    is it bcz i wasnt racist and hmophobic enough....

    What Role Do You Play In An Anime?

dni? ig..

i do not really like dnis, i think theyre more often than not retarded and chronically online,  however i do have boundaries. if i dont like you i will just out right block you.

  • if ur bigoted, fuck u, i hate u. i do NOT mind being friends with those i disagree with, but if our disagreement stems from human rights then we cannot be friends. 
  • tcc people.. i do not mind if you're interested in true crime, as am i, but "tcc" carries a different meaning than "i'm interested in true crime".
  • do NOT friend me if you're under 15.

stuff u should know..

  • i have a dry sense of humor, take all i say with a grain of salt unless otherwise stated. 
  • i joke about anything and everything, with that being said, if u want me to not joke about certain things around u i will try to refrain.
  • i mispell words a lot and kinda type like a fucking tard so pls bare with me, if u cant understand wtf im saying ill always clarify.
  • i will periodically go through and unadd people i don't talk to or engage with. if i unadd u, feel free to add me back and i'll probably accept.=
  • lol archies my online name, if we ever become besties enough for u to know my irl name it stays between us..


  • put an end to imperialism, colonialism and fascism
  • eat the rich, fuck the police
  • let the gays be gay, protect trans lives
  • capitalism sux, social democracy for the win
  • love your neighbor, protect nature
  • get out there !!!! achieve ur dreams!!!!! the universe loves u !!!!!!!!

randall chatting on his phone

psst, ty to everyone's code I used for this layout

background + nav bar




7 Kudos


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Ramisa Nodhi

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