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Category: Blogging

no idea what a blog is

trying it out cuz yesyess!!! it would be so awesome if someone could explain what it is exactly but it seems cool! the pritivy thjng seems cool too!! ill leave it on public tho

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casserole!!'s profile picture

"blogging" is basically just sharing your thoughts, things going on in your life; mundane or interesting, whatever!! saw a neat bird? blog it. thinking about a piece of media you like? blog it. private blogging would keep your blogs secluded to your friends list folks so if you put more personal info into a blog you might want it to be private.

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TTYYYY SO MUCH!! i love your pfp! alien cat :3

by Moff; ; Report

NO PROB DUDE!!!! and ty!! your pfp is cool 2 and the name Moff is really jazzy!

by casserole!!; ; Report