I honestly learned from looking at layouts and figuring out what each piece did/memorizing them, and then I'd mess around with editing them to see what I could do. There's some neocities websites that basically have a test spacehey page that you can edit so you don't mess up your actual one accidentally :] and if you want to add something else cool you can search for it, there's lots of tutorials
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I honestly learned from looking at layouts and figuring out what each piece did/memorizing them, and then I'd mess around with editing them to see what I could do. There's some neocities websites that basically have a test spacehey page that you can edit so you don't mess up your actual one accidentally :] and if you want to add something else cool you can search for it, there's lots of tutorials
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chatgpt and already done layouts
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tutorials! and if you can afford, classes. I am partially self taught and partially professionally schooled! practice makes perfect
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do u have any recs of videos I could watch??
by lynn; ; Report
uhh not rly i usually read articles rather than watch videos... i dont rly like watching videos..
by xX_Dyrk_Nyte_Xx; ; Report