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capital s Shit unsurprisingly hit the fan last month and our show got cancelled so i threw a noise show in my basement about it

i announced it day of as a pop up "transgiving" basement show. it went well and fucking ruled ; i counted a total of 8 people who didn't live in my house that showed up, including 2 kids who showed up late, one of whom i'm told smelled loud as fuck. it was a wondrous night with bros and new alliances were forged. we made 21 dollars all ones except for 2 fives in cash at door along with some quarters a nickel and two pennies. we actually sounded good because we got to mix it and jenny said we were on some actually scary shit , not oo fun scary but truly menacing. good to hear and i hope the kid who came in smelling loud was terrified

i made a zine for the function titled "some stuff you might need" which details some stuff about legally transitioning in the state of illinois and touches on diy hrt and offers some general words of solidarity and encouragement ; i hope that people have found it useful and reassuring. it is online here if you want to look at it


november 26 also marked our 2 year anniversary of being a band, which i honestly didn't know until dk mentioned it ; i knew it was coming up but i had no clue it was that exact day. i wouldn't have wanted to celebrate it any other way. i'm endlessly grateful that this band is part of my life and it's unreal that it's real. i struggle to feel deserving of praise for my music but people fucking with this means more to me than i can describe. i can't wait to see what the future holds

incredible mail day today -- the world in broken glass' new EP four songs on cassette !!


this ep fucking rules and i can not and will never say enough good things about this band. the world in broken glass are absolute legends and this ep solidifies that beyond a shadow of a doubt. the grit and raw expression that are at the core of the band are unforgettable and displayed perfectly in this release. sam sepiol and the end of the world is outrageous and ginger snaps (2000) has one of the hardest riffs probably ever. iszy & the troupe are total beasts. idk what more there is to say man the world in broken glass best band evar . this sticker also found an immediate home on my laptop

it's over in 7 minutes what excuse do you have

i finished the false white gospel and have now started reading "beyond policing" by philip v. mcharris. police abolition is something i've been intrigued by since i first heard about it, but since the culture i've grown up in is by design overwhelmingly saturated and characterized by police presence and police power, i've struggled to conceptualize it as something that could be realized. i'm excited to learn more about it !!


so far, i've gotten through the first chapter on the origins of policing and the first "interlude," a few of which are in between chapters throughout the book, which detail the author's personal experiences with police that led him to study and advocate for abolition. i know that policing had to have started somewhere, but i was surprised to learn in the first chapter that some uk communities were hesitant to adopt police forces before ordinances were passed requiring them to. many studies have also been conducted on the NYPD uncovering massive amounts of corruption and ties to political elites and organized crime ; police have always had horrible reputations and been known to misuse their excessive power. the role of police, which i will paraphrase from what i remember of the book, is clear : to enforce race-class oppression, make sure those in power keep it, and only protect those deemed worthy. it's beyond me how some of this is up for debate or how the police are seen today as respectable and necessary. this book is very insightful and i look forward to getting more into the actual theory behind abolition efforts

i have also changed my approach with the false white gospel and my dad to less of a wanting to rub in his face how shitty he is and more of a genuinely this is good and you should read it. following a completely unnecessary altercation i had with him over text some couple of months ago now where he said some very surprising good things i've realized maybe change is possible and i have genuinely not given the man the time of day. i'm working on coming around i will probably get him that book for christmas or something to make sure he maybe actually reads it. but enough about my dad

i had a very awesome long weekend and on friday we put up the christmas tree while listening to aja and then went to a local hockey game that night all of which were awesome


it was jenny's first time ever going to a hockey game and she thought it was the best thing ever. we ended up with extremely good seats a few rows back from the glass near one of the goals and i drank an entire very tall cayman jack margarita which rice bought for 14 dollars. we have decided that we need to go to a shitton more of these

also played a ton of webfishing with wife this weekend and it ruled that game is awesome we played it for 6 hours on saturday


it snowed today for a long time and as much as i hate being cold i will admit it was very awesome and prety and i happy its christmas , and that mean it also my birth day soon to, (on monday i will be the birth day boy )


the biggest problem with this situation is that the radio in my car is acting weird and no fm or am is coming through the speakers so i can't listen to christmas music while driving around the snow landscape which sucks i guess i could listen to a christmas spotify playlist or something but i don't want to scrobble it i will have to see if i can bring my antenna back to life

listen to this song craziest shit i have heard Seriously

it is almost 1:30 am and i am yawning a ton and my brain is like uu and my eyes are making sleepy tears so that means it is bedtime i have said all i have to say goof nite


stay safe out there

0 Kudos


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