it is 9:03pm and honestly i'm doing really good :3333 my thanksgiving break went pretty nice actually. my dad came over and made us pie and we had lunch and went for a walk as a family. it was great!
i got out of the shower a bit ago and did my nails [plain black as usual] and now i'm just watching random videos from one of my favorite youtubers.
that sinus infection is mostly gone, thankfully. i figured it would last longer but.. i have been pleasantly surprised.
i'm really excited for christmas, dude. i cannot wait to put up the tree and make food and hang out with my parents... i haven't ever really looked forward to the holidays this much but now i'm like, listening to christmas music and dreaming about it??? what is happening to me????
oh... i should probably make a little christmas list. i haven't done that yet but i know exactly what i want, and also exactly [some of] what i'm already getting, but yeah. i still haven't made a list.
i know i'm gonna ask my dad for some video games [bloodborne, fallout 3 or nv, any of the resident evil games] and help setting up an emulator so i can play silent hill...
i think my mom is getting me a pair of over-the-ear headphones... definitely some books because i always have books on my list. i might ask for some makeup or something?? maybe jewelry???
anyways things were mostly calm today in my direct circle... i heard my friend's boyfriend was talking to another girl over the break, which is pretty awful. hope it's not true, or that she breaks up with him if it is.
i started watching this show called bodkin with my lovely mother. it's interesting! it's set in ireland and it's about a journalist and a pair of podcasters trying to solve a cold case. it sounds really serious, and it mostly is, but it also is very funny at some points. i would recommend it if you like mysteries :)
also, new drama with j... he for some reason thinks i have some kind of problem with him. which means he either [1] has a problem with me, [2] reads my damn blog like a weirdo, or [3] is just fully off his rocker. i was just joking about hating everyone in our shared friend group [there was context there] and he - first up - suggested that i wasn't joking and actually hate them all and then, after i clarified my intentions, asked "but you hate me right? you have a problem with me, right?" NO? dude WHERE did this come from?
i am sooo.... what. maybe there's something i'm not getting??? but i'm actually psychotic dude what.
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