ty to ☆ tayxx ☆ for givin me this ideaaaaaa :3
[--General Information - -]
* Starting Time:: 8:22pm
* Name:: raye
* Nicknames:: same as normal, rev, poison, italian idiot, father, faglette, daddy, daddy malakian
* Colour of Eyes:: bluey-greeny-grey
* Hair Colour:: dark brown
* Shoe Size:: 8.5
* Brothers/ Sisters:: lil brother
* If yes, Names:: not comfy sharing soz
* Single or Taken?:: taken!!! <333
* Zodiac sign:: scorpio
* colour:: what does this mean????? skin colour???? if its that then like tan-ish kinda like if someone with scarlet fever had jaundice
* Height:: 5’2 😔 (i think im shrinking gang help)
* Braces?:: used to but not anymore
* Current residence:: australia, not comfy sharing anything else
[--Do You Prefer--]
* Chocolate or vanilla?:: depends, ice cream = chocolate, cake = vanilla
* Hugs or kisses?:: jfhfjfbdbfbdh both
* Scary movies or comedies:: scary movies fs
[--Things That Come To Mind--]
* School:: better than home atp
* House:: unstable asf
* Best friends:: love them all smmm!!
* Fave Song?:: P.L.U.C.K - soad, ball tongue - korn, stuck - limp bizzy
[--In The Past 24 Hours, Have You?--]
* Watched a movie?:: no 😔
* Talked on the phone:: yep
* Cried:: yeah
* Gone to the bathroom?:: yep
* Watched TV:: mhm
* looked in the mirror:: yup :(
* taken a shower:: yessir
* Listened to music?:: yepperz
* Hugged / kissed some1?:: yeah :3
[--Do You Believe In--]
* Heaven?:: idrk
* Hell?:: tbh idk
* Aliens?:: hell yeah
* Love:: YES.
* Magic:: depends.........
[--Some Random Stuff--]
* Are you listening to music now?:: naur :(
* What colour pants r u wearing?(if any :P):: white 😨
* What's the best thing since sliced bread?:: bolognese pasta 😻
* Who Is your crush?:: the girl im dating :3c
* Flower:: dark red roses omfg
[--More Random Questions--]:
* Mother's name?:: not sharing soz
* Tattoos?: nope but i want them desperately
* Body piercing?: uhh does a septum count (i want an eyebrow piercinG SO BADDDDDD)
* How much do you love your job-scale of 1 to 10?:: i dont have one (I WANT ONE GRRFGH)
* Birthplace:: a hospital
* Favourite vacation spot?:: THE GOLD COAST GRRRHFHDH
* Ever been to Africa?:: no
* Stolen any traffic signs?:: no but i do have one
* Ever been in a car accident?:: almost but no
* Croutons or Bacon bits?:: idk both have a horrible texture so i refuse to eat them
* 2 Door or 4 Door car?:: 4 door its just easier
* Salad Dressing?: italian 😍 or caesar 😍 or ranch 😍
* Favourite Pie?:: pizza pizza, possibly maybe banana terracotta /ref
* Favourite Number?: 31
* Favourite Movie?: currently probably hocky rorror
* Favourite Colour?: red but like rly darkkkkkk
* Favourite Holiday?: my birthday cuz its halloween or xmas
* Favourite day of the week?: thursday or saturday
* Favourite brand of body soap?: anything that works and smells nice i couldnt care less for what the brand is
* Favourite show?: family guy, tua, invader zim, mlp
* Toothpaste?: strawberry hismile
* Most recently read book?: the shining - stephen king
* Favorite Smell?: whatever the hell that perfume my gf uses is 😻
* What do you do to relax?: drawing, diy-ing, listening to music, laying in bed and staring at the ceiling
* Favourite Fast Food?: zambreros or taco bell
* When was your last hospital VISIT?: idk prolly when i was 12 for that stupid tooth surgery i had eugh
* Message to your friends reading this:: go look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you’re an amazing person. because you are! i know you are. GO DO IT. you’ll come back happier. ily all and i dont want anyone feeling down. <3
* How do you see yourself in 10 years?: dead /hj (married to my wife pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease)
* What do you do when you are bored?: drawing, diy-ing, listening to music, pinterest scrolling, talking with friends, laying in bed staring at the ceiling
* What presents do you enjoy receiving?: ones that i like and will put to use, trinkets, earrings, rings, necklaces, random ass things i can hang on my walls
* Furthest place you will send this message?: idk??
[-- Have You Ever - -]
* Faked being sick to miss school:: hasnt everyone
* Put a body part on fire for amusement:: knowing me probably yes but i dont recall ever doing it
* Thrown someone in the bonfire:: no??
* Been hurt emotionally:: one hundred gazillion times
* Cried during a movie:: i dont think so
* Ever thought an animated character was hot:: yea
* Been on stage:: about 15 times back when i was confident
* Been sarcastic?:: literally every minute of the day
* summer/winter:: both tbh but prolly winter
* cartoon characters:: stewie griffin, rainbow dash, gir and zim
* drink:: solo, liquid drugs (cordial), any kinda juice, oolong boba, iced coffee, tea
* food:: anything related to pasta, dumplings
* movie:: hocky rorror
* ice cream:: the entire hokey pokey / copenhagen stock
* subject:: drama/music (i dont have it anymore ☹️), art, japanese
* animal:: moths, snakes, sharks
* Color:: dark blood red
* Day or night?:: night i think
* Number:: 31
* Letter:: H, J, S, D, A, G, F, R, M.......... i have tons
* TV or Computer?:: computah
* Happy or Sad:: happy obvs i dont like being sad
[-- In The Last 24 Hours --]
* cried:: mmmmhm (hasnt this been done already)
* met someone new:: yep
* cleaned your room:: uhhh like half-cleaned yeah??
* Drove a car:: no im too small
* Been pissed off:: yeah defo
[--Friends and Life--]
* Do you have a soul mate?:: yES
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:: yesssss, i got a gf :3c
* Who have u known the longest of your friends:: the ones ive known since before 1st grade/mums group
* When do u cry the most:: minor inconveniences (seriously the most shocking thing could happen and id be too shocked to cry)
* The worst feeling in the world?:: betrayal, failure, abandonment, not being loved
[--For everyone to fill in --]
* Silver or gold:: SILVER 10000% I LOOK AWFUL IN GOLD
* Sunset or sunrise:: sunset
* Have you ever broken/sprained anything:: yeah i broke my elbow cuz oF A FREAKING BOUNCY CASTKLFKGKFFJJFF aaaaaand my knees are constantly sprained so..
* Have any piercings?:: yessir
* If yes, what?:: double ear, septum
* Rain, sun or snow?:: idk what tf snow actually looks like so uhhh probably sun but not too much of it
* How is the weather?:: dark
*Do u like cookies?:: yES
* Do you like pudding?:: uh sure but it depends
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