I wanna draw my OC but idk what to draw him in >:/

I've been sitting here for god knows how long trying to figure out what I should draw my OC doingggggggggg. Idk if this is art block or what but ether way it's making me mad DX Anyone got suggestions?????

(My OC is a 33 yr Russian werefox cannibal & serial killer lol)

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CannibleFlower's profile picture

When I'm feeling stuck on what to draw, I often find myself turning to Pinterest for inspiration. One technique I've found particularly helpful is photobashing, which involves combining elements from multiple images to create something new. This allows me to bring my own ideas to life while also gives a actual visual for them to reference

In actual idea though for your character you could draw a headshot of them both in his human and werewolf form where they glance at each other.

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by P2YCH0_F4NT42Y_; ; Report