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Hello! I know that I keep saying that I'm going to be active then end up not being active for months. But anyways have great news! I finally passed my TSI! finally after 7 retakes @.@

I'm not the smartest person since I wouldn't really think or I would stress about it too much, but when I took the test this month, whenever I felt scared I would take a deep breath in and a deep breath out which definitely worked since I passed it.

High school is getting super stressful since my English teacher is really strict and I feel like I'm falling behind in Geometry, but I know that if I push myself I will definitely be good at both and pass them. 

This week I had a bad uncounted with with these boys in English class. We have assign seats so it's not like I can sit somewhere else and I feel like it's not a big deal to tell the teacher to assign me to sit somewhere else, but anyways it happened on Friday. I have English, my first period and the day was going good, we were learning about how to combine words with FANBOYS and I forgot the other one(I'M NOT IN A SLOW CLASS, TRUST. WE JUST HAVE TO LEARN THEM SINCE OUR SCHOOL FORCES US TO LEARN ABOUT THEM ALSO IM NOT IN DUAL LANGUAGE. I'M IN AN HONORS CLASS) anyways my table decided to work all together, I don't want to say that they aren't smart because they are in their own way but I just didn't trust them since they do get things wrong most of the time.But I just didn't really want to work with them since I felt like they would hold me back since they talk a lot among each other. Anyways I call the teacher to check MY work, I didn't get it correct so she was telling ME that I should correct it. Both the boys sitting in my table kept saying " We didn't put that" "that's not what we put" "We put something different" I got so mad, it literally pmo because she literally understood that I wasn't working with them so I think it's unnecessary to keep repeating something that was so obvious. When working with them to save time, they weren't really explaining why I was wrong they would just say "it's wrong because it's wrong" they would continuously shut me down and make me feel like I was an idiot. Kept saying things that were unnecessarily rude, I didn't respond at all I just had a blank face which would make them pick on me more because they thought I was stupid. I don't understand why people can be mean, I could have said something since I can say mean things to someone and I also have a bitchy face but at that time I felt that they weren't worth it since they are the type of people that you can never win an argument so someone who uses reddit, A LOT. 

I apologize for my bad grammar, I know how to speak English and have been speaking it my whole life but I had trouble writing/reading it since my elementary school didn't help me with those things and barely started in middle school and High school to really try. I hope my English gets better in my junior and senior year since my sisters have also struggled with it since it's our second language.

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