So I saw Inside Out 2 yesterday, and here are my thoughts. Now, of course, this is all my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. Also, spoilers ahead! I have been diagnosed with OCD (and autism but you'll see more of that later) which acts very different from other anxiety disorders. One key example of this is that, in most anxiety disorders, challenging irrational, anxious thoughts is important. However, in OCD it gives the disorder more control over their life. So I believe they had good intentions in normalizing anxiety and panic disorders for kids and destigmatizing mental health conditions, but it makes things make things more complicated for useful information to reach kids with OCD. Another thing I didn't like was that Riley's obsession with Val, a high school girl who made the team in her freshman year, seemed really queercoded. In other words, it seemed like Disney wanted to market to a queer audience without *actually* writing queer characters. That is all, see you tomorrow, and drink some water. Bai XD
Inside Out 2
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