Do you guys, gals and other pals have any reoccurring dreams?

Ive always wondered what peoples reoccurring dreams are, i stopped having mine a few years ago and now every so often i just get a one off dream that never continues or comes back.
Do you guys,gals and other pals have any dreams that come back often? if so what are they!

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Aspen ˚₊‧⁺⋆♱ ★

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I’m not sure about the dreams themselves reoccurring, cause I can never tell if I’m actually dreaming about them being repeats or if they did happen in the past.. But I do keep having a reoccurring theme about being chased down by insects that sting in different situations, but then waking up right before they do sting me! I’m just really scared of those types of insects tho (T~T)

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