Hi!! I'm glad that u click on this! Mostly people won't but thank u!! >_<
• I'm a minor, under 16+ to say the least. So if ur older than me, pls try not to be creepy with me, especially if ur a pedo.
• I have social anxiety, so if u asked 4 my Discord, pls don't ask if we could call, I have strict parents and I just don't wanna.
• No small talks pls! I like getting to know ppl more and I like to talk with ppl! But not like, 24/7.. I only talk if I have time, soo yeah.
• English is not my main language so if I said something wrong then I'm SO SORRY!
• Also, I am NOT a friend collector! I repeat, I am NOT A FRIEND COLLECTOR!!! I just accept friend requests from everyone (that are not from my DNI) and I only friend people if they have the same interests as me, so ya.
• Idk what else to say here but uhh... Ya
Pedophiles or zoophiles, zionists, ableist, dry texters, racists, rude and mean people that judge others, non-English accounts (I know they won't read this anyway but wtv) and proshippers. Also, just bad ppl in general.
(Also include TCOAALL fans. Like, no. I don't like BLOOD RELATED siblings fucking each other.)
But other than that, I don't really mind talking 2 ppl! I wanna meet everyone! (Just as long as you're not one of the DNI)
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(editing profile)★MØ3G4M†★
Omg we literally relate so much on this, I never thought about making a Dni Blog about this stuff especially About the age part im also under 16+ I'm a early teenager and on other social apps people would add me and never even think about asking my age so when they find out I already had gotten comfortable and told and showed them everything about me and I end up feeling guilty afterwards :(, and By that Sibling thing is that about the one game coffin something where the brothers sister ends up crushing on him and they literally end up doing it? Yeah I hate anyone that ships them together because what the freak?
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YESS exactly!! Omg, I'm glad someone can relate to me!
by ANDREWXD; ; Report