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Category: Blogging

school pt.2

i basically just started my juinior year and i hated it so much, i switched schools in less than a month. whihc entinerly wasnt really my fault. the school i was going to got so strict all of a sudden, and honestly i was so tired of even going. idk why all the teachers had sticks up their asses so early in the year. but i was not going to to stay there just ofr it to get worse, or even get "used" to it. i was basically skipping class everyday anyways too. so i switched into online school, and omg the relief i felt. it was pretty weird at first and it took a bit to get used to it. but after that it was heaven. i basically get to teach myself, and theres no one here to bother or yell at me. i have done the most schoolwork in my life the past month. btw- its online school. but im so ahead now, im already taking my senior classes. i love it! 😸😸

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