alright so Today I wrote this bulletin about my thoughts on the game of thrones episode I just watched, It really hit me and shocked me to my core and this words although a bit crude and unpolished are one of the best pieces of writing I have achieved to make so I wanted to make them last more than 10 days and to be more public.
Alright I have already rambled before a lot about how I really love this show but it doesn't just mean it makes me happy and I like everything that happens in it, no I really hate some of the things that happen on it and well today was one of those days and I really need to describe still in my state of shock and recount the most shocking scene I've seen in any form of media in my whole life, and no that's not an exaggeration.
Since Before I started the show and books, I heard that one of the important characters of the show was played by one of my favourite actors, Pedro Pascal, I only knew a few things about him besides that the main being that he was of the house Martell and played a really important role, I watched the first season and read the first book and nothing of him appeared, until I asked my father about the character and he said that his name was Oberyn Martell, the red viper of Dorne and that he would appear somewhere along the fourth season.
So I took my time reading the thousand pages of the second book, slowly and in peace it took my around 2 months of on and off reading but I managed to do it, and it really made me fall in love even more with this world and after I finished the second book I decided that I would watch the show and then continue with the books because even though taking my time with the books which comprise more information and insights and make me feel the story even more vividly I was to in love with this world for me to wait another 2 months so I started watching more of the show so I got to watch.
I love this f*cking show SO MUCH I watched 2 hour long episodes a day and in a day I even watched 4 of them (but after what I saw today I think today is a 1 episode sort of day) There where some incredible and some horrible sh*t I saw some great some shocking, the red wedding horrible shocking but beautifull, the wholesome farewell of hotpie, the magestic and gruesome battle of blackwater, the purple wedding that filled me with joy, the torture of Theon greyjoy, the muttiny at craster keep, the beautifull love story between Rob Stark and Talisa Maegyr, and so many many more things that I could go on about for hours and hours, the weird brother and sister like relation of Sandor Clegane and Arya Stark but nothing could have prepared me for the shocking horrors of what I saw today.
But to Begin we need a little bit of context, first of all Oberyn Martell, second in line to the throne of the city of Sunspear and the kingdom of Dorne, nicknamed the Red Vyper played by Pedro Pascal a character that since the moment it appears on screen is intriguing and surrounded by an aura of grandeur, power, royalty and mystery, loves the pleasures of life, always mentioned as powerful and dangerous crippling a prince in a joust for example and being one of the best spearmen in the world traveling through continents to learn and explore, he resents the House Lannister for ordering the death of her Sister Elia Martell (17 years before the beginning of the show) and has sworn vengeance, but most of all he hates with all his being the executioner that performed the task (with great joy in it) the mountain that rides, Ser Gregor Clegane.
Ser Gregor Clegane the mountain that rides or as I like to call him Piece of sh*t ill bred b*st*rd, is the eldest son of the House of Clegane and played by Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, worlds strongest man in 2018, He is a ruthless Knight, that is always described with a monstrous and nearly inhuman thirst for blood, way over 2 meters tall and probably the strongest man alive even bigger and taller and stronger than people with Giants blood, he appears since the first book and has always been despicable from killing his own horse when it made him loose a fight, to being described as partaking and encouraging the rape of a girl that he captured after a raid, he is even despised by his brother Sandor Clegane and let me tell you the story of this.
When Sandor was around 6 years old his older brother Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane a boy of around 14 but already taller and stronger than most grown men found his little brother playing with one of his toys, a little wooden soldier, now Gregor did not say anything he just grabbed his brother and smashed the side of his face against the burning coals and fire of the fireplace for taking his toy from him, remember HIS OWN BROTHER A SIX YEAR OLD, and while Sandor pleaded for mercy and cried in pain as his face melted and burned Gregor just laughed, Sandor will ultimately survive and became a great warrior but always with the burn scars that his brother left him and an enormous hate for him although not fear he would only grow to fear the fire, but anyways returning to the mountain.
When the mountain was sent by house Lannister to kill Oberyn´s sister Elia Martell and her children he didn't felt sad or guilty that he was to kill literal Babies, no he entered the castle of Dragonstone in the night, strangled and killed the babies with his own hands then proceeded to rape Elia with her children's blood still in his hand and only after that with a single swing of his monstrous sword proceeded to cut her in half.
Now you see the evil in this man if he can be called man, and you know the 2 protagonists of todays tale, Now For reasons that dont really matter much for todays tale Oberyn ended with the opportunity to fight in a duel to the death with Gregor, and he was going to take it to finally take revenge in the killer of his beloved sister Elia and his nephews, all in front of the man that ordered of the murder Lord Tywin Lannister, well he prepared wearing a light armor for the battle and a spear his weapon of expertise, he paraded and made acrobatics, Clegane entered in full plate armor and a giant helmet and unsheathed a sword probably bigger than Oberyn himself.
I remembered that I had a faint memory of seeing part of this scene before and seeing oberyn victorious above the body of the mountain the f*ck*r that is Gregor Clegane oh how I hate him so I told my father and started watching the fight as I served myself a glass of water.
Oberyn said that he would finally have his revenge and made Gregor confess of his crimes in front of everyone and only after that would he finally kill him, he kissed his lover that was on the sidelines and headed to fight the mountain. The fight started a furious dance full of hate, fury and resentment Oberyn managed to land a few important attacks on the mountain repeating the phrase "SAY HOW YOU KILL ELIAS CHILDREN, HOW YOU RAPED HER AND THEN SAY HOW YOU KILLED HER" but then Gregor suddenly knocked Oberyn to the ground, he swiftly got up before he could be killed and knocked the helmet out of Clegane's face, he was winning, the raging fight continued and with the strenght of a hundred men Clegane cut the spear of Oberyn in half in one swift move, Gregor Moved back and got a new one and started attacking Clegane again repeating the phrase "CONFESS HOW YOU KILLED HER CHILDREN, HOW YOU RAPED HER AND THEN HOW YOU KILLED ELIA SAY IT SAY IT" with inmense fury while overwhelming the mountain with strikes, then he mannaged to push his spear through his stomach and threw him to the ground. Oberyn Said to the lannisters in the stand how he finally defeated the killer of his sister and now that he was going to make him confess.
I was so happy to finally see the end of Gregor Clegane just as I remembered on the ground defeated by Oberyn with a spear in his stomach dying and humilliated, this monster was finally about to be put down, but then Oberyn realized something the mountain was dying without confessing his crimes so he started shouting and circling him "SAY IT, SAY HOW YOU KILLED ELIAS CHILDREN SAY HOW YOU RAPED HER AND MURDERED HER SAY IT CLEGANE" he repeated over and over with wrath not willing to kill him until he confessed, and thats when it happened while circling around his arm, with the last of his strenght the mountain tripped Oberyn and threw him on the ground, then the horror started, my father got up of the chair as he had seen the show before and knew what was coming, I knew this was gonna have a very ugly ending, as the mountain punched Oberyn to the ground a splash of blood came pouring out and splattered on the ground, followed by half a dozen of Oberyns teeth I screamed "ESOS SON LOS DIENTES??? (ARE THOSE HIS TEETH???)" and replayed the last few seconds, and as I feared they where his teeth I was in shock and got up with my hands over my head, then the show marked the bloody Oberyn on the ground his mouth missing half his teeth pouring blood like a red fountain. I was in utter shock, after that I started slowly walking away from the TV but I had not seen the worst of it.
Now the mountain had him, he was half knocked out bleeding and after that the mountain got on his knees over him and GRABBED HIS FACE WITH ALL HIS INHUMAN STRENGHT, then he starting pushing his fingers inside of Oberyns eyeballs and screamed "I DID I DID KILL ELIA MARTELLS CHILDREN THEN I RAPED HER AND THEN I KILLED HER JUST LIKE IM GONNA KILL YOU" after that my father turned his face but I was paralyzed, The lover of overyn SCREAMED a blood curtling scream, I got cold paralyzed I couldnt see my face but I knew the expression I was making that of true horror, I felt my heart dropped to my feet, What was happening I thought that Oberyn was gonna Win aparently I hadnt watched the whole fight that one time many years before. But I was sure he was always named as Such an important character I had wanted to watch so much of him for so long HE HAD THE MOUNTAIN BEATEN ON THE GROUND, but he didnt want to kill him without listening to him confess, and dont get me wrong Oberyn had completely defeated the mountain but it was his arrogance, after screaming in the face of oberyn and splattering his eyes all over his face (yes they focused that on the show) HE CRUSHED OBERYNS Skull with his bare hands like a watermelon in full view, It was over the mountain layed besides oberyn bloodied and probably mortally wounded as the episode drew to a close.
I was in more shock than I had ever been with a show, it was probably the best scene I had ever seen but also the most shocking of them all, so crude so filled with emotion but ultimately so painfull so shocking, I was speechless, my father tried to make me talk for a while but for a solid 2 minutes I stood there with the face of horror it had completely conquered me, I then rested my weight on the wall, still agape, and I could talk for a solid 10 minutes, not being able to talk the words getting trapped in my throat my eyes getting watery from me trying to hold back the tears. I Imagined the dread of Oberyn in his dying moments, he had done it he had managed to avenge his sister I imagined how I would have felt if it was my little brother murderer that I had for 20 years been tracking down trying to kill, and when I was so close he got me to the ground made fun of me to my face, confessed to these crimes and killed me, If it had been my blood, my teeth in front of everyone and the person I loved if I HAD HAD THE CHANCE AND GOT DEFEATED BECAUSE OF PRIDE, I imagined being Oberyn and feeling my head crushed, my eyes popped and gouged out, dying knowing that it was the killer and raper of Elia, I also imagined myself as miss Sand, the lover of Oberyn wathching the person she loved getting killed in front of her, the love being destroyed the blood curtling scream, the screams of the Mountain and Oberyn and Sand all sounded with a powerful thump on my head for minutes and minutes I was completely and utterly distraught and shocked I couldnt move, I couldnt talk, nothing.
My father gave me a small glass of hazelnut liqueur to help with the shock, I opened my phone to try and get my head of things I looked at my messages and saw that I had a few of a very dear friend of mine, told her that I was in the most udder shock, then my father played the first minute or so of the next episode but I was so shocked I couldn't concentrate, then he tried putting on the simpsons for something more comedic in nature but I was so shocked I just looked death faced i needed to somehow express how this scene made me feel in some way and it needed to be well done, I didn't want to bother my friend so I went up and starting writting this, its been now over and hour since I started writting, and even though it has helped its impossible for me to express all of my feelings, or for someone only reading this to feel the dread that the scene caused on me, when you are marveled by fictional characters their death can be so tragic it has happened to all of us but this all of what it meant, the music the screams of the chatacters all the backstory, how I was sure it was going to end differently all the cinematography how the show had been presenting its characters all of it, the mountain being sucha piece of dogsh*t, that Oberyn had practically won the fight and still lost his life, all of this I needed to write it and again This doesnt encapsulate the lenght of my feelings but I needed to uncharge at least a bit.
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In my opinion, the Oberyn fight was more shocking than the red wedding. Great show.