guys i feel like my lifes been sooooo boring lately. i literally only leave the house to go to school and rot in my bed whenever im not there. i really need to shake things up but idk how :(
i wanna do sumn big and crazy, yk? something that'll get me seen by others for once and completely flip my life upside down so that i no longer feel like im living on autopilot. i wanna travel, be on tv, do literally anything just to end the cycle
does anyone else feel this way? or do you have any ideas on ways to break free and start rlly living? im only gonna be young once and i feel like im wasting it lol (>_<)
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if you are into travelling, i would highly recommend doing some kind of exploration near where you live. you could do urban exploration, and explore different parts of your city/a city near you. you would find surprising how much interesting things you can find. you dont need necessarily enter abandoned places, just exploring the place can already be cool.
also theres this app called "geocaching", where its basically a treasure hunt near where you live. its really interesting too.
>> would recommend doing these with friends for safety.