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Category: Life

i made japanese cheesecake and my debate partner is bad

i made fucking japanese cheesecake it turned out ugly. it does taste really good though. i spilled boiling water on my toes as i was making it. my stupid ass class mate(it dont actually hate her) asked me to make it for her for her birthday TWO DAYS BEFORE. hehehe i hope they like it. i freaking love making people things. 

    on another note, my debate partner is so cool. i absolutely love hanging out with him. theres a problem though, when i try to get him to do work he guilt trips me by saying shit about his mental health. i feel bad for him but this is really taking a toll on me. ever since the first class he's only worked once in class. it wasn't even for 20 minutes. lately I've felt bad for even asking him to contribute. last class i was blinking back tears. he thinks its fine to not contribute and he holds it over my head and blames me for him not wanting to do the work. apparently i made him "lose intrest in debate". ive been trying to give him ample time to try and motivate him to help me out, but nothing, all he does in class is goof off. now my grade is at risk because i gave up one of the last chances to pass the class unknowingly three whole times. i really want to be his friend, but sometimes he can be really uncaring. he constantly waves his mental health issues as an excuse knowing full well i have mental health issues aswell im so stressed and he's going to learn his lesson if he ignores me when i communicate this.   

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gaby !

gaby !'s profile picture

Your Japanese cake was good thoo #yums

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gaby !

gaby !'s profile picture

Your Japanese cake was good thoo #yums

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