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Category: Life


Growing up I really looked up to women who had strong personalities. Even girls in school who just had "IT." I was more reserved but very observant. As I got older I realized I could be both powerful and still to myself, which I enjoy. Often times people say I am intimidating, which I don't enjoy?? I realized through other people's stories that sometimes race can play into that as well as other factors, like their own insecurities which have nothing to do with me. And other times, some people really do see the hard work that I put in to be confident. Because lets face it - confidence is a lot of work.

While I definitely had a few "glow up" moments, I never really focused on the physical when it came to insecurities because I always had faith it'll just come whenever. I accepted that. However! I will say that I did have personality insecurities. I hated that feeling. Sometimes I still have it and it manifests itself in social anxiety, which was severe as a teen. Now it just comes and goes depending on my environment.

Anyway, does anyone else every feel insecure about things that aren't physical?? Lets talk it out.

NOTE: I do not subscribe to the notion that all women are insecure about specific, certain things - more are, less aren't, whatever, its not always ALL. Men are also insecure. 

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kingnas's profile picture

I think almost everyone has/had some sort of insecurity at one point or another.

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That's true, thank you Nas.

by jaebaby; ; Report