While I definitely had a few "glow up" moments, I never really focused on the physical when it came to insecurities because I always had faith it'll just come whenever. I accepted that. However! I will say that I did have personality insecurities. I hated that feeling. Sometimes I still have it and it manifests itself in social anxiety, which was severe as a teen. Now it just comes and goes depending on my environment.
Anyway, does anyone else every feel insecure about things that aren't physical?? Lets talk it out.
NOTE: I do not subscribe to the notion that all women are insecure about specific, certain things - more are, less aren't, whatever, its not always ALL. Men are also insecure.
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I think almost everyone has/had some sort of insecurity at one point or another.
That's true, thank you Nas.
by jaebaby; ; Report