I don't understand why people have to be so soft these days. Honestly back then at least there was more labour and hard work to be done for people to toughen up a little. I apologise that I have to bring in homophobia as an example (And I am not homophobic, purely an example), however I feel as if when somebody is homophobic people are too focused on that fact. They can be somebody who does good in their lives, donates to charity, and takes care of their family and whatnot, but because they simply dislike homosexual people suddenly they are hated. I may have gotten a little off topic but if you really don't like somebody who doesn't like you then simply ignore them. Unless they are somebody who is truly worth hating for sinful deeds then It would be reasonable to judge and discriminate them for being a truly horrible person.
Basically my point is that society is so hung up on petty details on people just because they don't see eye to eye. What I mean by being sensitive is that you overthink characteristics about other people, or even incidents and objects that cause you to feel upset or scared. Society needs to toughen up more especially since the world is changing in all the wrong ways, and we need to face our newfound problems head on rather than crying and complaining. Obviously this statement only goes to a small percentage of the human race, but I just wanted to call out those who get upset over these insignificant details.
I don't mean any harm by this post, but feel free to leave any thoughts or arguments in the comments as it is the purpose of this blog to get everybody's opinions.
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