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Category: Art and Photography

halloween 2024...spent as a desperate housewife :O

hey guys!!! this was a little photo book of a halloween party i went to earlier this month! it was so so fun, even if i drank a little too much LOL! it always takes me forever to remember to upload on here, and uploading photos on here is hell!!! i guess its genuine to the 2000s experience, something i do not remember because i was too young, but we got it back!! 

enough yapping, look at me PARTY!


this is me (attempting) as bree van de kamp from desperate housewives! she is one of my favourites, and the token ginger - like me!! - of the show!


i went all over the house but in this moment, i chose the living room!! jason wanted to kill everybody but he was not allowed :(



my pasteries! bree is always seen with a basket or casserole dish of something for a party or new comers to wisteria lane, so i bought some of my own! the basket is thrifted, and the pasteries are from walmart!! so yummy, and lots of compliments!



somebody brought yoda over...who knows why? we treated him like a baby for a little while at the beginning, but for the rest of the night he stood planted next to the huge JBL speaker playing some SWEET TUNES!



the recycling...i may have forgotten to drop off a few cans here! i love to take photos of these at parties...its one of the things people never think about at a party, but one i always do!



i look back at this feeling like halsey impersonated me?? like did she take over my body and take this pic for the great impersonator album cover?? hello?? i felt so hot in the moment (something hard to achieve as a man)...but man...



my friends!!! i work with the girl on the far left and man she is the life of the party! the girl on the far right is somebody i've been friends with since middle school, she has (good!) changed so much, love her!! at the end of the party we sat at the end of the driveway and helped one drunker person into their car - stumbling with them as we did - but also just living! my cell phone is full of photos from this last little moment, something i will never forget!



some more of my friends!! we just kept moving all over the house...mostly the dining room and kitchen, but also outdoors!! i don't remember what they were talking must've been heated though!!



jason wanted a photo with me.. he didn't kill me (killing wasn't allowed...ANNOYING!) but we sure killed this photo! i kinda feel like this was bree's crazy ex boyfriend george williams...he was a pharmacist with some mental health issues who died in season 2 (?)


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- halsey impersonating me?? i love this look on me...god knew not to make me a woman or else i would've already stolen all the men on earth...they would go crazy for meeee!! LOL!



thank you! i hope u guys enjoyed...i had such a fun time making this blog! i don't upload often, but when events come, so do pics from me!! i had even more of a fun time though dressing up, its not often accepted to crossdress (especially in the conservative community i live in) so being able to do it once is so freeing! wearing a skirt...having fake boobs...MAKEUP! i felt so happy...i love life!

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