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Category: Pets and Animals

Sand kat

My cat didn't like sand and the beach itself I'm kinda sad, but honestly if I was a cat I would react the same way x)

It's so overwhelming and annoying for no reason ?? I hoped my cat would like it a little bit much more, because maybe I would motivate myself to like it aswell....But well, things goes on

sand kitty not for today lol

If anyone make their cat goes to the beach tell me your experiences plss, I feel like nobody does it (I understand...but yk)

Also, I live in France and people here are soo confused on why I'm walking around with my cat on a leash it's both funny and embarassing

Embarassing because I usually don't like people observing me

I feel like in the US, people don't judge that much on this :') Although, idk I just saw this on videos

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